William Homedal 5000 6 years 31 days ago (Last edited by William Ho 6 years 31 days ago)
ok... I set up fuel for germany with 9 10 11 laps, I save and go to a different tab, when I go back to the strategy tab, it shows 8 10 11. I check starting fuel, and it says 9.
league: https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=5505
Hi William, I would like to see a video of this so I can obtain a better understanding of the problem you are describing. Is it possible if you could record a video of this in action? You can upload the video to Youtube and share it here. A video recorded using a phone pointed at your computer screen is fine, as long as it is not shaky and shows clearly the bug when it happens.
William Homedal 5000 6 years 31 days ago (Last edited by William Ho 6 years 30 days ago)
*strangely enough if the first stint is 10 laps or above, it saves properly. (the display shown and the number after clicking in are one and the same. Is there like a minimum required number of laps for first stint being 10?)
so if the stints are 9 10 11, it doesn't show the correct display, but if it's 10 9 11, there is no issue
Frank Thomasmedal 4997Moderator 6 years 30 days ago
I can reproduce that. If I set a stint at my current track (Bahrain) and (no) training laps to 12.0 then after switching tabs it shows 11 laps and updates back to 12 once I open and close the stint setup. In my case it happens on all 4 stints if I setup them to 5.0, 12.0 and 19.0, while it doesn't happen on any of them with 7.0 and 14.0.
Perfect, I've recorded a sample of this bug in action myself and have noted it for the developers. Thanks for reporting this! The devs will be able to address this when they have a chance to do so.