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No retrocession from Élite to Pro

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medal 5230
6 years 26 days ago
Cosa hai provato a fare?
After finish the last season, in our championship
the last 4 team of Élite don't go to Pro league, and now we have 36 teams in Élite and only 28 in Pro. The other changes from Pro to Rookie, and from Rookie to Pro, go well. And in Rookie we have 32 auto, as it must be.
Another thing: after I win the last season I have the car nr. 31. Why not the car nr. 1???

Cosa è successo invece?
No retrocession for 4 teams from Élite

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Leeco Lemax2 x820

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Può essere riprodotto il bug?
After 1 day nothing change. And today we have the first race of the new season.

Commenti addizionali:
Can you fix it please.
medal 5044
6 years 24 days ago
Hi Ion, thanks for bringing this to our issue. Please allow some time for us to look into this problem.
medal 5230
6 years 9 days ago
Hi Yunus, 
Today we finish a championship, and we have the same problem. 
After promotion and retrocession between leagues, now we have: 
32 teams in Rookie
28 teams in Pro
37 teams in Élite.
medal 5230
5 years 356 days ago
Another info: 
We finish another championship today and the problem still remain. 36 team in élite and 28 in Pro. 
medal 5230
5 years 338 days ago
Another info: 
We finish another championship today and the problem still remain. 36 team in élite and 28 in Pro.
This is the 4th championship that we don't have retrocession from Élite. 
medal 5001 Super Mod
5 years 338 days ago
Hi Ion, looks like your initial request was forgotten about. I have flagged your last post now to bring this to support's attention again. 
medal 5359 Community Manager
5 years 338 days ago

This should be fixed now.
medal 5230
5 years 338 days ago (Last edited by Ion Timofti 5 years 337 days ago)

This should be fixed now.

Not realy, 

You retroceeded the 4 team who win the league Pro last season and they go up in Élite. Teams are (Ferrarisic , TEAM POTENZA , Kaionan Team , Mar Co2 ) they should be in élite. 
The team who need to go in PRO from Élite are: ( Rissor , team ENO , Trilateral , Iava Team ), they should be in PRO.
I don't know why but after I win the last season I have the car nr. 29 and not the nr. 1. This happen in 50% of cases. Also the cars nr. 30,31 and 32 the last season have done a good work and they was safe from retrocession.  Can you fix it?
medal 5000
5 years 337 days ago
@Ion no, I was on the fourth position in the pro tier last season! Not "scuderia Ferrari"...

medal 5359 Community Manager
5 years 326 days ago

I'm very sorry about the mistake, if I move them now it would generate even more chaos, I think it's best to leave it as it is until the end of the season. Please let the league host rewrite this topic once the season is over and tell me what teams you want to move up and down.
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