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marketplace offer changes

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medal 5000
5 years 362 days ago
How long does it take for the market to change its offer of pilots and staff?
medal 5088
5 years 362 days ago
Hi Patricio, as certain pilots or staff are bought up, other unemployed personnel enter the market's auctioning process.

Essentially, it's in a state of constant change. How fast it changes depends on several factors. The most notable one I can say off the top of my head is how crowded the market is with managers at any given level. It's generally crowded at lower levels and there are less managers perusing through the market as their level increases.
medal 5000
5 years 362 days ago
oh ok, it's just the offer tends to be small for every role, so if I'm looking a higher rated DR for instance, I might have to wait for days as there's only 10 or so on offer at any given time, and some of them are so low in rating that it's pointless at higher levels to even consider them, but you can't filter them out
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