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Staff Morale Levels Question

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medal 5000
6 years 9 days ago
In the headquarters section there is STAFF MORALE section. Can anyone tell me how this actually works. At present I haven't maxed out this section it's currently on level 12 All other sections of headquarters is maxed out so only this left. Question is as all my drivers and most staff have a morale rating of 20 with just my TD Morale of 19 is there any point in spending money increasing this section in Headquarters ? In other words how does this Morale section actually work ?
Will appreciate any feedback anyone can give.
medal 5000
6 years 7 days ago
so I take it nobody has anything to say or advice on this topic ??? 
medal 6183
6 years 7 days ago (Last edited by M S 6 years 7 days ago)
Hi Shaun currently the Office and Hospitality building has minimum to no effect. As you know it's supposed to raise staff morale but at the moment it doesn't do much maybe in future it will be implemented and made active so it does. So it's upto you, if you have enough funds and want to update it or leave it until when it actually becomes active. Personally I have been updating it just to be in stronger position once it does come into play as I have funds available to update it. It's your choice. 
medal 5000
6 years 7 days ago
only build it if you have nothing else to build. thats what ive always done with it.
medal 5000
6 years 7 days ago
Hi MS and Demon King  Thank you both for your input and knowledge it is really appreciated. I didn't know it was basically inactive at present so can now make an informed choice. Many Thanks Guys
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