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medal 5000
6 years 8 days ago
I did not notice in my last season so I wonder if at the end of the seasons there are some awards for the best in a league? if there is not, would not it be interesting to implement this?

eu não observei na minha última temporada por isso gostaria de saber se ao final das temporadas há alguma premiação para os melhores de uma liga? se não há, não seria interessante uma implementação neste sentido?

*sorry if post it in wrong place. 
medal 5000
6 years 8 days ago
Not really posted in the wrong place because u ended it with a suggestion.

But no, there is no prize money for being the best, because general consent is it would increase the gap between the good managers and the lower levelled ones.

There are many topics on this topic opened weekly and i dont think it will change

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