Joshua Johnson medal 5000 5 years 330 days ago (Last edited by
Joshua Johnson 5 years 330 days ago)
I’ve been playing for 11 days. Am just winning our rookie league, which has just become quite active. All good stuff.
Looks like I may get promoted to Pro.
Pro only has 4 teams. I’ll likely get smashed next season. Never mind, all part of learning the game.
But, I really feel for the top manager in our pro league. Because there’s only 4 teams, he keeps winning and count promote for at least 3 seasons.
It just seems wrong.
He might quit our league because of it, and I understand why.
Is there a way that there can be mass reshuffling on the league, to even out the numbers?
Honestly, the pro teams in your league look rather close in terms of performance. They'd be better benefitted by have a manager with a higher level than theirs join them so they can gain more XP per race. As it stands, they would get thrashed by your elite teams.
As for the topic at hand, I do agree just because a team finishes a season in a promotion position, doesn't mean they should be promoted. In my original league, I was promoted to elite in two seasons. Being a level 7 team at the time, at least in my opinion, I had no business being in elite. If there's a performance cap for rookie and pro, I don't see why there can't be a minimum level requirement for pro and elite.