Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 153 days ago
I've updated my livery last night and whenever I ctrl + F5 any of my browsers it's still showing my old livery on all pages (team page, HOF page etc) but the livery has definitely saved - When I open Livery I have my nice bright red car XD
I thought maybe it was just my computer being silly but just noticed now that even at work it's still doing the same thing. Any ideas?

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 153 days ago
I know this is only a minor issue compared to some of the crap you guys have going on at the moment but does anyone have any ideas?

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 12 years 153 days ago
Are you aware that there is an issue with the upload from the Unity app to the server? In other words, you should wait a while after pressing save after you have created a livery. I think especially because you live so far away you should wait about a minute.
This has been fixed in the game update. We will be making *absolutely* sure that that update doesn't have so many problems as this past one though, so unforunately it might be a while before we launch it and this annoyance with the livery builder is resolved.

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 153 days ago
My livery has saved though. When I open it I have my bright red car, or are you saying I have to save it and stay in there for a minute for the picture to change under team?

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 12 years 153 days ago
You shouldn't have to, but give it a try and see if it fixes it. Google Chrome in particular has had some funny behaviour with this tool.
If that doesn't sort it we'll look further in to this.

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 153 days ago
FYI I've never had this problem before Andrew. In fact I changed my livery the other day (after the update even) and it was fine. This problem seems to have cropped up overnight or something. Can anyone else change their livery or is this problem solely my end only?

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 153 days ago
I just tried altering my Livery, saving it and then waiting 2-3 minutes before I closed it. Still nothing. I'm about to get my friend in Australia to try doing it for me just to see if that helps anything.

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 153 days ago
Just had my friend in Aussie try saving it for me. Same problem for him. You sure this isn't on iGP's end perhaps?

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 12 years 153 days ago
Another new server glitch, thanks for reporting it (server was caching and serving up old files). :)
Should be fixed now.

Eton Fed medal 5000 12 years 151 days ago (edited 12 years 151 days ago)
Is this happening again Jack? Not the livery, but profile and team pictures?
I can't update my profile or team pictures. I switch them, they switch, then 5 minutes later they are showing as the old ones. When I click on edit to change them to the new ones again it already has the new ones there. So the new ones are saved, but for some reason on the team and profile page they keep reverting to the old ones.
I can only assume this isn't my computer - It's happening both at home and at work.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 12 years 151 days ago
That will be the same thing... I've changed the code for those too. It should stop caching it so aggressively now.

Eton Fed medal 5000 12 years 151 days ago
Ah, glad to hear it. I just checked my team and noticed the pictures had corrected themselves, was about to post up that it was fixed but then saw your post xD

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 12 years 151 days ago
Just to clarify, in this case it wasn't accurate for me to call it a glitch, it was behaving as it should, caching the images and serving them up. It was just a stronger form of caching than our old server used.
By adding some code to let it know "this is not the same image you sent out last time" it serves up the new image instead. All it needed was a prod. On the old server that wasn't necessary.
If you find anything else like this let me know.

Josh Nathan medal 5000 11 years 280 days ago
I'm having this very problem now. Seems to save on Unity but back to the old one when on the Team homepage.
Edit: Fixed, took the advice of leaving the Unity page open for a bit and it seems to have done the trick.