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I can't log in using facebook

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5 years 350 days ago
I'm trying to log into my phone's app using my facebook and I'm not getting it. This problem had not happened before. Whether through wifi or using my data network the problem persists. The following message appears:
Sorry, this feature is currently unavailable. There was an error processing this request, please try again later. "

* P.S .: I could only open this call in the forum by the computer because the account was already saved in it.

Estou tentando logar no aplicativo do meu celular usando meu facebook e não estou conseguindo. Esse problema não acontecia antes. Tanto por wifi ou utilizando minha rede de dados o problema persiste. Aparece a seguinte mensagem:
"Desculpe, esse recurso não está disponível no momento. Ocorreu um erro ao processar essa solicitação. Tente novamente mais tarde."

*P.S.: Apenas consegui abrir esse chamado no fórum pelo computador pois a conta já estava salva nele.
5 years 350 days ago

I also can not log in with my facebook acc
5 years 348 days ago
me too. I reported it about 2 weeks ago, and still no fix!
5 years 347 days ago
I am unsure what is giving Simon a problem for 2 weeks, but Christian and Carlos were most likely victims of the Facebook/Instagram/WhatsApp failure the other day which prevented about 90% of the world doing anything that related or linked to those apps. It has been resolved, so I assume you both have been able to recently access your teams?
5 years 347 days ago
Its okay to me now. Thanks. 
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