Jordan Murphy medal 5000 12 years 143 days ago
I've had a new driver since the start of this season in the league I'm in, and he's not moved on the blue scale at all since I've signed him. Trained him before every race but no improvment, but yet my other driver makes decent jumps each time. Someone let me know why this happens?

Matt Dellit medal 5000 12 years 143 days ago
The blue gauge, as i understand it Jordan, is an indicator of his overall ability (just like the green guage is). So if you are training something that doesn't give much in the way of visible improvement (Physical only upping 1 stat for example), and if your Doc is garbage, then he may be atrophying as fast as you can train him.
*Edit* just looked at your doctor, and though I don't want to give you advice that might beat me, he's utter garbage. Fire his back side, and get yourself any of the doctors at the highest level you can. Because of him, you are losing more than you can regain.