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Is parts headquarters worth it

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medal 5004
5 years 342 days ago
My 2nd account has recently been upgrading the manufacturing facility and I've noticed that the more i upgrade it, the more parts i have to use to repair the car. Because of that i feel upgrading the manufacturing facility constantly is not worth it
medal 5000
5 years 342 days ago
Interesting, guess that feels true. Ive been upgrading my manufacturing as well because it was asking for more and more parts. I figured it had to do with my car development scaling up. Better parts cost more to replace?
medal 5000
5 years 342 days ago
Hi James.

I think you'll find the increase in parts usage is because you are levelling up, not because you are developing your manufacturing facility.

If you don't develop manufacturing your parts usage will still increase as you level but you will struggle to repair your cars because you won't be manufacturing enough parts.
medal 5004
5 years 342 days ago

Hi James.

I think you'll find the increase in parts usage is because you are levelling up, not because you are developing your manufacturing facility.

If you don't develop manufacturing your parts usage will still increase as you level but you will struggle to repair your cars because you won't be manufacturing enough parts.

I'm level 16 and it's still taking 2 parts to repair my car

medal 5000
5 years 342 days ago

Do you mean it is only taking two parts to repair your cars or it's taking 2 parts more than your manufacturing facility generates?

If it's the latter and your manufacturing HQ generates 16 parts this means you actually required 18 parts to repair your cars. So imagine if you hadn't upgraded your manufacturing facility and it was only generating 1 part per race... this would give you a deficit of 17 parts to repair your cars and before long you would run out of parts.

The number of parts required changes depending on circuit (Italy uses a lot of parts, Monaco uses very few) and weather (wet races use fewer parts). You need to monitor the number of parts over an entire season, I imagine that over a season you would have a small deficit but you can overcome this by watching Ads in the app. Up to 5 parts are available per day which is more than enough to keep you positive over a season even if you repair cars after every race.
medal 5004
5 years 341 days ago


Do you mean it is only taking two parts to repair your cars or it's taking 2 parts more than your manufacturing facility generates?

If it's the latter and your manufacturing HQ generates 16 parts this means you actually required 18 parts to repair your cars. So imagine if you hadn't upgraded your manufacturing facility and it was only generating 1 part per race... this would give you a deficit of 17 parts to repair your cars and before long you would run out of parts.

The number of parts required changes depending on circuit (Italy uses a lot of parts, Monaco uses very few) and weather (wet races use fewer parts). You need to monitor the number of parts over an entire season, I imagine that over a season you would have a small deficit but you can overcome this by watching Ads in the app. Up to 5 parts are available per day which is more than enough to keep you positive over a season even if you repair cars after every race.

2 parts to repair each car

medal 5000
5 years 341 days ago
Really high reliability?
medal 5000
5 years 341 days ago
Two parts per car to repair is really low. What level is your second account, what level is your manufacturing HQ, after which race did the cars only require 2 parts to repair and was it a wet or dry race?

In answer to your original post, in my opinion upgrading the manufacturing facility is worth doing but it's not the highest priority. Why don't you try not upgrading and see what happens?

medal 5004
5 years 341 days ago

Two parts per car to repair is really low. What level is your second account, what level is your manufacturing HQ, after which race did the cars only require 2 parts to repair and was it a wet or dry race?

In answer to your original post, in my opinion upgrading the manufacturing facility is worth doing but it's not the highest priority. Why don't you try not upgrading and see what happens?


My second account is level 14, and has a more upgraded manufacturing facility of level 6 compared to my level 3 manufacturing facility on this account. My lower level team with a higher manufacturing facility has to use more parts to repair the car than my higher level team with a lower level manufacturing facility
medal 4987 Moderator
5 years 341 days ago
One remaining big question is how high are the levels of your Design HQ buildings?
medal 5004
5 years 341 days ago

One remaining big question is how high are the levels of your Design HQ buildings?

Not too high, it's what im working on right now. Had a big financial problem when i was in pro, so it limited how much i could do.
medal 5000
5 years 341 days ago
2 parts per race! If only mine was like that! Please tell me how ur getting that! 
medal 5000
5 years 341 days ago
Thanks James.

So 2 parts per car means you only spent 4 parts and your L3 Manufacturing facility created 3. You only had a deficit of 1 part to repair both cars which is excellent.

But again I ask, which race had you just completed before requiring two parts to repair? If it was Italy in the dry 2 parts per car is outstanding, if it was Monaco in the wet not such a big deal.
medal 5000
5 years 341 days ago
For me, very
medal 5004
5 years 340 days ago

Thanks James.

So 2 parts per car means you only spent 4 parts and your L3 Manufacturing facility created 3. You only had a deficit of 1 part to repair both cars which is excellent.

But again I ask, which race had you just completed before requiring two parts to repair? If it was Italy in the dry 2 parts per car is outstanding, if it was Monaco in the wet not such a big deal.

2 parts every race except italy and monaco

medal 5144 Super Mod
5 years 340 days ago
In which case my understanding was wrong. I have always believed that levelling up increased parts usage, your data suggests it is developing the manufacturing facility. Thanks for the information.
medal 5000
5 years 340 days ago
i observed that leveling up the Design HQ increased the Part usage. at what levels are your design HQs?
medal 5088
5 years 340 days ago

i observed that leveling up the Design HQ increased the Part usage. at what levels are your design HQs?

This is correct, as the design building increases in level, the number of parts needed to repair a car increases.
medal 5000
5 years 340 days ago

This is correct, as the design building increases in level, the number of parts needed to repair a car increases.

I presume then the intention here is to keep design and manufacturing facilities on par with each other? Would make sense

medal 5021 Super Mod
5 years 340 days ago
I'll add an experience that might be the same as James is trying to point out:

I created an account 21/06/2018 and I decided to not update my Design facility, having it lvl 2 all the time.

When my manager level increased to 15 I was racing at Elite with tons of extra car parts, but I couldn't get enough Design Points to make a competitive car.

So, you can stock a lot of car parts when you don't upgrade your Design facility, but you'll rely on research to develop your car. In the other hand, if you don't upgrade your Manufacturing facility, you won't have enough parts to fix your car.
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