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Why Isn't My Team Developing?

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medal 5000
5 years 352 days ago
I started a new season on 05/05/19
My car was as follows:

Acceleration 49
Braking 42
Cooling 42
Downforce 42
Fuel Economy 20
Handling 41
Reliability 42
Tyre Economy 55

After 17 races my CD & TD gained the following points:

Braking + 32 (so should now be 81)
Cooling + 7 (so should now be 49)
Downforce + 10 (so should now be 52)
Fuel economy + 18 (so should now be 38)
Tyre economy +20(so should now be 75)
Handling + 26 (so should now be 67)
Reliability +2 (so should now be 44)

Now when I'm starting the next season my car stats are as follows:

Acceleration 49
Braking 42
Cooling 42
Downforce 21
Fuel Economy 41
Handling 41
Reliability 50
Tyre Economy 47

How will I ever develop my car so it's faster? I'll always be starting the season with lower stats than every one else in every category apart from 1.
medal 5084 Super Mod
5 years 352 days ago
Hi Steve.

You’ve competed in 341 races so you already know that everyone’s car design resets after Abu Dhabi and you all start afresh with your new design in Australia.

Your design is based on the CD(s) that were designing your car for the previous season. I don’t expect that your design is lower than everyone else in all attributes except one. You will find that most other teams, like you, will have one or two attributes which are strong and others which are weak, no single team will be stronger than all of the others in all of the design attributes.

The number of dp a CD will generate over 17 races depends on their level/star rating and strength and weakness. An ideal CD will be the same level as the manager (4.5 or 5 star) and will have a big 4 strength and cooling or reliability weakness.

A CD with these characteristics will design a car with 43dp in six areas, 50 in strength and 22 in weakness, giving a total of 330dp before supplier bonuses are added.

Your CD is a level lower than your manager level so will most likely give a shortfall of 7dp, total 323 before supplier bonuses are added. Also you are suffering because your CD is strong in Reliability and weak in Downforce. So, in a nutshell if you’re in a competitive league you seriously need to change your CD as soon as possible because every race this season your current CD is designing a bad car for next season.

Then it gets more complicated because you can get a better design (344 total) by utilising multiple CDs but this is expensive in terms of wages and only viable when you get up to higher levels and are not levelling up so quickly.

Phew… does that help? LOL
medal 5000
5 years 348 days ago

In thread you said you'd re-opened thread for me to comment, but it is still locked.

Anyway my question relates to the answer, where is said "I don’t expect that your design is lower than everyone else in all attributes except one" this is exactly what has happened.
Also, where it says "You will find that most other teams, like you, will have one or two attributes which are strong" this is also wrong because before the season started there were three teams that we stronger that me in the same areas.

I have 2 teams and this was the case for both - stronger only in one, and 3 teams stronger than me in same areas.

medal 5084 Super Mod
5 years 347 days ago (Last edited by Kevin Bissell 5 years 347 days ago)

Apologies, it wasn't me who closed this thread but the person who did close it did it with best intentions to keep the forum tidy. I believe he tried to re-open it but possibly a glitch in the system caused it to close again.

Anyway, in an attempt to explain your experience...

Unfortunately you didn't say how much stronger the other three teams were. There are two possible scenarios:

  1. They have 4.5 or 5 star CDs who are the same level as their manager level. As I said above this will yield 43dp in the standard attributes (not a CD strength or weakness) whereas your CD, because they are lower level than your manager level will at best only generate 42dp. If this is the case your competition will be stronger than you in all the standard attributes and the only one where you will be strongest is CD strength which, assuming you're Elite tier, will hit the cap of 50dp.

  2. Your opposition may be running with multiple CDs which will allow them to achieve the design cap in more than one attribute. Many experienced high level managers use this strategy but it is very expensive in terms of tokens and game cash, especially if you attempt it at low manager levels because you're always chasing new staff as you level up.

I think the most likely scenario in your case is #1 above because you mention three teams who are all equally strong in certain attributes and it's unlikely they are all running multiple CDs with the same strengths.

Does that answer your question?

medal 5000
5 years 347 days ago
Thanks for the explanation Kev. 

Happy for this to be locked now. 
medal 5084 Super Mod
5 years 347 days ago
Thanks Steve

I'll set the status as "Solved" but leave it open for a few more days in case anyone else wants to chip in.
medal 5000
5 years 346 days ago
Running multiple CD shoukd not geberate more points, it does bug it shouldnt, it would just mean your design goes another direction but this game keeps sone of previoys points, by that thinking changing more times per season should give even more points but it doesnt?

Whats the official line on CD changes, is it meant to work as it does.
medal 5000
5 years 346 days ago (Last edited by Kevin Taylor 5 years 346 days ago)
If you're Elite and you have a CD the same level as you, over the course of a 17 race season they generate approx. 64 dp in their area of strength. The Elite cap is 50 so 14 dp are wasted. By running multiple CDs (three) all with different strengths you can maximise two attributes and get 49 dp in a third and not waste any dp because you don't exceed the cap.
That's the way it has always worked.
medal 5000
5 years 346 days ago
I presume you'd need to swap your active CD with one of your reserve CDs, as any sitting in the reserve section don't do anything 
medal 5000
5 years 346 days ago (Last edited by Kevin Taylor 5 years 346 days ago)
I presume you'd need to swap your active CD with one of your reserve CDs, as any sitting in the reserve section don't do anything 

That's correct Steve. If all CDs who are active in a season are the same level as the Team/Manager each requires to be active for 6 races to achieve the Elite design cap of 50 dp. So you need multiple CDs and they all need to have different strengths.

Here is what happens if you have a single CD, +Acceleration / -Reliability who is active for all 17 races:

Two CDs, (+Acc / -Rel) & (+Bra / -Rel). One active for 9 races, the other 8 races:

Three CDs, (+Acc / -Rel) & (+Bra / -Rel) & (+Fuel / -Cool) active 6, 6, 5 respectively

All of the above are base design which will change depending on the suppliers that are used.
medal 5000
5 years 346 days ago
Wow thats just silly.

Changing CD should hinder dev not boost it , i think they should stop that.
medal 5084 Super Mod
5 years 346 days ago
This is because for every race in the current season the CD generates 1/17th of the design for the following season and the design accumulates as the current season progresses. You don't lose the design that has already been generated if you change CD.

The exception to this is if you change leagues. The optimum time to join a new league is in the season break, you will be awarded a starting design that assumes the CD who is active at the time of joining the league has been active for the previous 17 races.
medal 5000
5 years 346 days ago
But if dev continues it shouldnt go above the limit of the one you gad before, it should just generate points in diff areas.
It seems it keeps the boost points in the CD strengths, which means if you can afford 3 CD you win.

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