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medal 5000
5 years 341 days ago (Last edited by Hamlet Rodriguez 5 years 334 days ago)
After almost a year playing this iGP religiously I can say; it's clear no one has a clear cut formula for success in this game. But there are some steps that remain constant all throughout the process. 

Here are some Low-tech strategies I've been using;


*After the 1st race of the season, check the “Review” bars and make note of what research the top players are the leaders on(Big 4 only). Those are where my DP's go to 1st. 

*cooling and reliability are always my last two areas to research.


*My HQ are divided into 3 groups of development sequence:

                    Primary: Design & Technology.
                Secondary: Manufacturing. Simulator
                         3RD: Youth Academy & Simulator Manufacturing. 

There seems to be a direct correlation between the manufacturing level and how many parts it takes to fix your car. For that reason I've dropped Manufacturing to the 3rd group.

It's vital to keep the primary group always maxed along with staff of no lesser level than you are as a player; it dramatically increases the chances to have at least a 4+ star car compatibility on any track.

* Use tokens to buy engines and accelerate the big 2 in HQ(Design and Technology). The game provides plenty of tokens(after each completed race excluding the last race of the season) to achieve this task.

Live races:

*The hotter the track's temperature the more ware on tires thus slower speed. Keep an eye on PL's to help compensate.

*Good habits =Good results; save your boost as much as possible. Top players will hold at least 50% or more to be used towards the final lap of the race.  Try using your boost when your car is not as heavy; 2-3 laps before pit stops and on kers zones to maximize your gain.

*As I approach the DRS zones or straightaways I push my PL to the max and bring them back soon after. This saves my boost consumption. One of the advantages of being at a live race.

*make as many relevant notes as possible to help you setup your car next time around the same track; Setup #'s/ post race lap data with emphasis on tire ware(40% is a good threshold to go by). Remember all top players are doing or have done this.


*Check out what the top players in your league are doing (race lap data) that you’re not... 

*40 ltr of fuel is my threshold per stint. However, this is only a factor for the first 2-3 laps though as the less fuel on-board the faster the car goes. Sometimes I go higher than 40 ltrs depending where my tire's ware is on that particular track. Where my tire's ware is less than 7% is where this strategy works best for me.

*Avoid setting up pit stops with less than 10 laps to go unless you intent to throw the race away.

*Shorter tracks(40-58 laps) I start with SS tires (SS:8-12 laps/S:15-18/S:15-18). When I make my middle sting the longest(16-18laps) I tend to have a better chance to make the podium or at least top 10 in Elite. 

*On the last stint I add a little extra fuel than required (.2-.5 ltr extra). This minimizes the chances from running out of fuel. We all do a lot more pushing on the last stint.
2-3 races to go

*Once I have a top spot secured or have no chance of improving, save your engines and tokens, you'll need them for the upcoming season

 I save all my DP's  for the remaining races and use them up on next season's opening day. Especially when being promoted to a higher tier. This scenario isn't allowed as per Igp's standards and should be reported if and when it does occur.

I now invite all players to add/substract/modify as your current experiences in the game allow you to.  I've read all the guides and they all present a vast amount of info to help us enjoy iGP more. 

Happy gaming!
medal 5000
5 years 341 days ago
Hi Hamlet.

This statement I find very interesting.... "Once I have a top spot secured or have no chance of improving, I save all my DP's  for the remaining races and use them up on next season's opening day. Especially when being promoted to a higher tier."

Are you saying you are able to carry unused design over to the following season?
medal 5000
5 years 340 days ago
How is this possible?
I had 51 DPs left over at the end of the season from not upgrading and had zero at the start of the new season.
medal 5000
5 years 340 days ago (Last edited by Kevin Bissell 5 years 340 days ago)
It wouldn't be the 1st time i hear about this...

100% Accelaration before the 1st race of the season;

medal 5144 Super Mod
5 years 340 days ago
Hi Memo

I just edited your post to make the link clickable.

I agree, this appears to have happened on a couple of occasions. But I think the case you linked to is a glitch/bug rather than a manager intentionally assigning previous season unused dp. The reason I believe this to be the case is that the OP stated that the manager had no idea why it happened and the few times I have seen it reported it is always acceleration and only acceleration (no other attribute seems to be effected) and it is always 100%. 

I'd still be very interested to hear Hamlet's explanation as to how he manages to save dp and use them on next season's opening day.
medal 5000
5 years 339 days ago
I'm really sorry for the confusion guys..... 

Because there has been several occasions where after a few days away...the DP my team earned on those races have been there waiting to be allocated....I didn't give it a second thought as to why it wouldn't work as I stated towards the end of my thread.  I don't really follow the logic behind as to why it's not allowed. They are earned DP's... That would be like taking away earned xp pts just because...the two have an internal correlation....

Just when I thought I was beginning to make sense of is what it is...

Hopefully the rest of my strategy makes sense. It's been paying dividends for me, specially the HQ part..

@Steve; 51 DP!!!???  That would suck big time.....specially if you did it on purpose. 
medal 5000
5 years 339 days ago
@Hamlet; tbh, I wouldn't have thought otherwise as well.

I know your CD's star rating is a factor. But,
Who knows the individual/group breakdown of the DP we get to keep for next season? 
medal 6253
5 years 339 days ago
Sometimes when the devs make some changes in the code some unusual bugs comes out, one season My car designs never changed when season ended so I had a car fully developed in most areas for the new season like I had at the end of the previous season. I reported and had my car design reset and also that bug resolved. Maybe same thing is happening with OP so devs need to look into it and correct out the bug which is allowing some people to apply design points saved from previous season into the new season. As normally this isn't allowed as when the new season starts all teams car design should be reset and any unused design points from previous season are supposed to be lost and should not be allowed to carry over to next season.

Hamlet can you please confirm that you can carry design points over from previous season into new season every time? 
medal 5000
5 years 338 days ago
@M S; clearly even if it does it must be bug. 
medal 5000
5 years 334 days ago


@Steve; 51 DP!!!???  That would suck big time.....specially if you did it on purpose. 

Yes it was intentional.

I was not even in contention for the title so for the last few races I didn't bother upgrading or repairing my cars.
medal 5000
5 years 331 days ago
Funny I thought it was common knowledge that you should use Push Level 5 in the corners only and not on the straights to avoid burning out your tyres. It's another contradiction in opinion that I can't work out.
medal 5000
5 years 330 days ago



@Steve; 51 DP!!!???  That would suck big time.....specially if you did it on purpose. 

Yes it was intentional.

I was not even in contention for the title so for the last few races I didn't bother upgrading or repairing my cars.

but by doing that you have a lesser developed car for the next season
medal 5144 Super Mod
5 years 329 days ago



@Steve; 51 DP!!!???  That would suck big time.....specially if you did it on purpose. 

Yes it was intentional.

I was not even in contention for the title so for the last few races I didn't bother upgrading or repairing my cars.

but by doing that you have a lesser developed car for the next season

The design of your car at the end of the season has no effect on the initial design the following season. Next season design is generated by the CD(s) who are active for each race of the current season. The CD star rating, level, strength and weakness are the only factors affecting the initial design of your cars. See section 2.1 of the iGP Rules

There is currently a bug that sometimes results in a team not fully resetting after the Abu Dhabi race meaning they have 100 design in acceleration. AFAIK the developers have not yet identified the cause of this bug but providing it is noticed before the Australia race starts it can be reset. The manager must leave and immediately rejoin the league, the resulting design will be as if the active CD had generated design for a full 17 race season. If the acceleration is not reset the team benefiting from the bug will have an enormous advantage.

medal 5000
5 years 328 days ago

Correct. Any unused dp are cleared at the end of the season and then the design resets. 

A few people have reported they have been able to assign dp immediately after Abu Dhabi. Me and a couple of other long serving managers have attempted this and even though we were able to assign the points, as soon as the design resets they are lost. In any case this is an exploit, the intention is as the rules state... Initial design is only affected by the chief designer(s) that were active in the previous season.

During every race in the current season the CD generates 1/17th of next seasons design. The final design has no bearing on the next season. The highest I ever finished the season was 800dp and on other occasions I have finished as low as 764 but the following season my Australia design was the same. 
medal 5000
5 years 324 days ago
I’ve been doing the PLs on max in the straights and/or DRS zones, and it’s been helping me a whole lot most of the time.

But the problem I have is the amount of parts I have (even when doing 5 ads for 5 parts), making me urge to upgrade my Manufacturing HQ.

But this is a pretty helpful guide.
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