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Engines Restriction

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medal 5000
5 years 339 days ago
Hi everyone,

As a league leader i have this proposal to the development team. 

I will like to suggest that the moderator of the league can make a restriction of engines per season

In that sense we can see more inverstment in reliability and more DNF.  

Tell me what you think

medal 5000
5 years 338 days ago
It's an interesting idea and one that has been mentioned before. Personally I think it's a good idea which would add depth and complexity to the game.

Not sure the iGP team would see it as such a good idea though. If you limit the number of engines people will not be forced to buy them with tokens and this will ultimately hit the income stream for the people who provide this game for us to enjoy. So limiting engines would presumably have to be balanced with something else to spend your tokens on.
medal 5000
5 years 338 days ago
They need to limit engines and tyres then fix hospitality and cooling and were onto something
medal 5517
5 years 338 days ago
i like the idea too, but would just make Sense, when you disable the ability to buy engines with token.
medal 5012
5 years 334 days ago
I really like this idea, I think it would turn iGP more realist, when you can put a limit number engines, but Bastian just got the main point, the possibility of buy token and use it to buy more engines
medal 5000
5 years 334 days ago
Without the top Engine, Fuel and Tyre combination you are that far behind the others also. Its the gaps that are to big really. So with the engines as suggested above they need to last longer. Run an older engine in our league and i would say you are out of the top 10. So yes limit then but make them last then. Get the right balance with everything then what will we have to talk about lol
medal 5000
5 years 333 days ago
Yes, as everyone said, it can be useful in some leagues...but in this case it makes no sense for them as we won´t be spending tokens. 

medal 4985 Moderator
5 years 332 days ago
I really like this idea, I think it would turn iGP more realist, when you can put a limit number engines, but Bastian just got the main point, the possibility of buy token and use it to buy more engines

With limited engines there could be a limited number of revisions for engines available. Those would not repair them completely but a fair bit, enough to make them required in combative leagues but still make quite a difference compared to new engines. To start every race with a new or revised engine could then require the same amount of token you need now for extra new engines per season.
medal 5000
5 years 332 days ago
How about making every tyre useful in in different races. Now it's just softs and everything else is nothing infront of it. 99.9% races all soft is the best possible strategy 
medal 5000
5 years 332 days ago

How about making every tyre useful in in different races. Now it's just softs and everything else is nothing infront of it. 99.9% races all soft is the best possible strategy 

Yep went from the Hard tyres to now the Soft tyres!! Balance is needed again with this!

medal 5000
5 years 325 days ago
I have another suggestion according to this.
At the moment cooling and speed according to engine damage are good in my opinion.
We can change the rule of 20 engines and have 10 (5 for 1 car leagues) spare engines + 1 on each car to start with each season and that will reset every season start.(engines that someone will get mid season will be according to race that league currently is).
No more new engines but option to repair them once per race for 50% of damage. (engine at 90% will be at 95% after repair).
Repair will cost a token per engine. so full repair + new engines will be around 22 token. (now is about 18 token if you have new engine every race).
This way have to manage
a) Push levels
b) Cooling (will have value to invest.)
c) Race for new engines

For me will be more fun and maybe we can do something similar with car damage later;)
Thanks in advance.
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