Mattia Romano medal 5009 5 years 296 days ago (Last edited by
Mattia Romano 5 years 296 days ago)
League not found or inactive
Looking for pro players to enable promotion to elite, any player is welcome:)
Currently we are trying a new rule in the league for half a season, and if people like it then it will come into play for the following seasons.
The league has been growing quite fast since the end of 2018 and i hope it grows faster. Feel free to join:)
Nightmare Racing medal 5000 5 years 294 days ago
You look like your building a good league but your tire rule for me is too complex . In my experience all you need to do is impose either a 2 or 3 compound per race rule . As the seasons change from spring to summer and then to autumn the choice of prime tire will change anyway to keep things interesting . Good luck and maybe in the future I will join your league once the current teams have increased their levels a few times .
Mattia Romano medal 5009 5 years 278 days ago
Thanks for the advice mate, I'll likely be changing the tyre rule by the end of the season because it's a little too complicated