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New Silverstone

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medal 5000
5 years 321 days ago (Last edited by tifonee tifonee 5 years 321 days ago)
In the new track of Silverstone the pit lane is in the same position, between the curves 19-20 and 1 (Woodcote  and Copse), don't between the curve 8 and 12. Why you've moved the start line between the curves Club and Abbey? Look.
medal 5000
5 years 317 days ago
No one cares
medal 5000
5 years 317 days ago
In the new track of Silverstone the pit lane is in the same position, between the curves 19-20 and 1 (Woodcote  and Copse), don't between the curve 8 and 12. Why you've moved the start line between the curves Club and Abbey? Look.

They actually built a new pit lane tifonee, when the track was redesigned. It is located between 'Club' and 'Abbey' now (as in the game)

The old pit lane lane still gets used for endurance races, other categories, and some events.
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