Marius Golombeck medal 5000 13 years 63 days ago (edited 13 years 63 days ago)
Once again the weather has ruined a race. Why don\'t you get rid of the API and use a self-implemented more simple system. I honestly have to tell that this gets me close to quitting. The API simply has no valuable connection to anything. The data is falsly interpretated and in the end everything is at fault. If you want to release this i guess this turns out to be a major problem. Imagine what the API gives you when its winter in germany? You want to base your values on Snow? :D My suggestionwould be: solving all these connectivity issues by using a very simple 0-100% scale model
0% = Dry (Hot, Good conditions)
10% = Dry (Medium Temp, ok conditions)
15% = Dry (Cold Temp, Ok Conditions
15-25% ) Dry/Damp (Mixed Conditions)
25% = Damp (Could use soft/inters, might change throughout the race)
40% Light Rain
60% Rain (Think about going to full wet)
80% Strong Rain
100% Thunderstorm (Heavy Rain)
You could easily vary during the race in that scale and make it super simple but yet very interesting for the users.
Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 13 years 62 days ago
Imagine what the API gives you when its winter in germany? You want to base your values on Snow?
We raced countless times on -18 degrees, so no problem. We are strong guys. :D
Jack Basford medal 5808 CEO & CTO 13 years 62 days ago
This really depends if people want the weather live or not. It will be looked in to shortly after launch anyway, we\'re planning to make use of a better API to avoid -18c records etc. I\'ve explained that a few times before but obviously the old forum threads are gone now.
Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 13 years 61 days ago
Were there any problems that were actually due to the API this time around anyway? There are still several bugs in the simulator/viewer that crop up simply due to rain, so it wouldn\'t make any difference whether or not the rain is started via a weather API or generated locally. Maybe something weird did happen with the weather that I\'m not aware of though?
Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 13 years 61 days ago
I had -18 degrees last race. On lap 4 rain started and lasted the whole race. But what rain ? It should have been snow ! :D
Jake Goodhall medal 5000 13 years 60 days ago
Marius - if you are a husky (can\'t really tell what type of dog you are) you should love the snow!
Delta Foxtrot medal 5000 13 years 49 days ago
I had -18 degrees last race. On lap 4 rain started and lasted the whole race. But what rain ? It should have been snow ! :D
So you schould drive on the ice-track :) But there is no ice-tires ;)
Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 13 years 48 days ago
I wonder if we should introduce ice tyres, or chains? :D Seriously though, there will be a lower limit applied so we should never get less than -5 temperatures, and \"snow\" will always be interpreted as rain.