Isabel Games medal 5000 5 years 315 days ago (Last edited by
Fabian Gmnwsr 5 years 314 days ago)
Wat probeerde je te doen?
Try to upgrade my car but the save button is not here. Money bar is not shown so I can't see my cash
Wat gebeurde er in plaats daarvan?
I can't save or see my cash
Deed het probleem zich voor terwijl je wifi of mobiele data gebruikte, of bij beide?
Deed het probleem zich voor in de app, op PC of op beide?
Wat is het model van je toestel?
Welk besturingssysteem?
Wat is de versie van het besturingssysteem?
Kan het probleem gereproduceerd worden?
Bijkomende opmerkingen:

Isabel Games medal 5000 5 years 315 days ago
It works now but he has a delay or don't work

Nick Maris medal 5000 5 years 315 days ago (Last edited by
Nick Maris 5 years 315 days ago)
Same problem here too,works now

Fabian Gmnwsr medal 5000 5 years 315 days ago (Last edited by
Fabian Gmnwsr 5 years 314 days ago)
We had a little update for the header in the app. You have to clear the cache. Than it should work fine again.
Where I can find this function?
You can find the clear cache button in the app settings or atm in the news feed, too.

Bart Toto medal 5000 5 years 315 days ago
Not solved!
Problem reapears next time you enter app.
Clearing cache helps only for running session.

Fabian Gmnwsr medal 5000 5 years 315 days ago (Last edited by
Fabian Gmnwsr 5 years 314 days ago)
Oh, I see. I will report it. Thank you!
Edit 17:46 CEST: We're investigating it & testing new codes atm. It should be fixed soon.
18:02 CEST: We pushed out a new code. It should solved now after clearing cache.