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Best tyre for 30+ temp

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medal 5000
5 years 243 days ago
Hi what's the best tyre for 30 plus temp?
medal 5111
5 years 236 days ago
What about temps in the high 20s?
medal 5000
5 years 236 days ago

Hi what's the best tyre for 30 plus temp?

To be honest, I would go with the Mediums.

What about temps in the high 20s?

Same thing. Mediums.
But if it's low 20s, I'd recommend using Softs

Also, I recommend using Super Softs NO MATTER WHAT at Monaco.
medal 5000
5 years 236 days ago
I've played a few seasons now, have yet to even consider using hard tires.  Unless I'm testing and collecting data.
medal 5016
5 years 236 days ago
I used soft in 30+ and did fine
medal 5000
5 years 235 days ago
30+ Mediums 33-34+ Hard tyres
medal 5002
5 years 235 days ago
Everything depends on the track, in Monza for example S starts overheating at 24 in Abu Dhabi you can use S at 37.
You never need Hard.
You have to make your own experience, based on tracks. When tires overheat, too much, you should use the next harder compound.
medal 5000
5 years 235 days ago
Bastian, you can use Hard if the temp is very high and you want to push the car too, i mean without overheating
medal 5002
5 years 235 days ago
yes you can, but you will be slower, than someone on M or S as long as the softer compound does not overheat massively. I saw that just on a few tracks when it is really hot for S and never for M.
medal 5000
5 years 235 days ago
Maybe over 40-45 then, but ther are 2 tracks where you can see these temps, Abu Dhabi and Singapore i think, today in the league we race in Singapore with 34 degrees i will go with Soft-Medium-Medium
medal 5002
5 years 235 days ago
no on these tracks the temperature effect is too Low.
in singapore i raced at 30 on ss without a problem in Abu Dhabi i used S at 37, my competitor used M i was 20 seconds faster. Maybe in Monza at 40+.
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