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Pinning a message on league

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medal 5000
5 years 303 days ago (Last edited by Billy Bob 5 years 303 days ago)
I’m a host of a league and was thinking, being able to pin A single important message on top of the league wall could work very well.. This could be used for when time zones (daylight savings) changes happen. Some managers miss more than a day and when they come back this news could easily be visible to them. 
Also my league has teamed with another league to create something for manager who want to experience 1car/2car leagues, and be able to switch between smoothly come end of the season. Being able to pin a message would work great here. From everyday managers, to managers who miss a day or two they could all see this kind of opportunity when they log back in. 

Other examples could be making sure your league is aware of future race delays, or upcoming changes to the league it’s self.... just a thought, I think has great potential in being implemented. But thank you everyone from the dev team to the mods. This is by far the best mobile game iv had. ?
medal 5000
5 years 303 days ago
Unless your message is more than just a message....there's already room on the chat wall header for inner league messages. As a host, you can post any message you see relevant. 

Or are you talking here in the forum? 
medal 5000
5 years 303 days ago (Last edited by Billy Bob 5 years 303 days ago)
With active leagues managers they sometimes like to chat a lot on the wall, thus moving down important information that may be coming up in that particular league(host posts). Since not all managers are able to show up every single race day, this is where the pinning of important information come into play. That manager that missed let’s say 4 days comes back, he or she can see the upcoming news in that particular league they are in (pinned to the top).  So if the HOST is allowed to pin a single post of importants at a time, managers will stay up to date on what is going on in the league they are currently in. By seeing the post pinned to the top all managers no longer have to scroll threw and check if they missed anything important.....
medal 5000
5 years 302 days ago

With active leagues managers they sometimes like to chat a lot on the wall, thus moving down important information that may be coming up in that particular league(host posts). Since not all managers are able to show up every single race day, this is where the pinning of important information come into play. That manager that missed let’s say 4 days comes back, he or she can see the upcoming news in that particular league they are in (pinned to the top).  So if the HOST is allowed to pin a single post of importants at a time, managers will stay up to date on what is going on in the league they are currently in. By seeing the post pinned to the top all managers no longer have to scroll threw and check if they missed anything important.....

This sounds like your're talking about pinning a regular posting on the inner chat wall. 

What I am saying is to use the chat wall's "header" if there's something of vital importance to be said. Only the league host has access to it. When the "event" is over, the league host can replace it with whatever previous message was on it. 

medal 5000
5 years 302 days ago
I see what your saying now after reading your first post again. Yeah the info I’d be providing at the time would not fit in the header area. It would be a general post of importants information from the host, pinned to the top of the wall for a brief period of time. Then removed when host deems fit. If you look on my league wall and scroll a little you will see my post about the second league we have. This is a type of post I would pin at the time. Sorry about that
medal 5000
5 years 301 days ago
Ah... ok... Yea...that much info definitely won't fit!
I buy into that idea... 

I've been guilty or rather lazy of not going back enough on the chat pages to see what I've missed while I was away. 
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