Scott Stephens medal 5000 12 years 96 days ago
How do i join more than one league?
Each time i go to join another league, it askes only if i want to leave the lague im already registered in. I dont want to, i want to race in more than one league, i see others doing it.
How can i?

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 96 days ago
You can't race in more than one league. If you see others doing it that is because they have made more than one account.

Scott Stephens medal 5000 12 years 96 days ago
more than one account, but its the same name. Unless im reading wrong and they have left or the league has finished.

Eton Fed medal 5000 12 years 96 days ago
You can have two accounts under the same name. Most people don't and use aliases, but if you want to you can.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 12 years 96 days ago
Come to think of it, what if someone picks the names of admins ? :)

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 95 days ago
lol Alin - then they would end up getting all the problems the real admins get.
They would soon change the name!