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Share results for whole league

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medal 5000
5 years 299 days ago
In an effort to make the leagues more interactive, on the home page, it would be cool if results for all classifications in your league were posted, and if it indicated what team and driver was leading each group.

While we can look at the tables, it would be an easy way to congratulate other managers on their results, etc.
medal 5243
5 years 299 days ago
Yes ,i agree too
medal 5488 Super Mod
5 years 299 days ago
I agree. 
medal 5735
5 years 299 days ago
Our League host posts all the results up on the League thread and in forum for all tiers.  I think the home page result is more of something to aim for, like get to Elite and make the newsreel kind of thing, like you have made it to the top. It's an ok idea though Chapo,  i'd be fine with it. 
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