Dominik Photato medal 5000 13 years 86 days ago
I was wondering if anyone could tell me, what these attributes actually do. Most attributes are self-explaining but these two make no sense to me.
Talent... my common sense tells me, that this would have influence on his basic learning skill. So he should be able to degrade slower than others with less talent or learn faster as he \'instinctively\' should get the hang of things easier. And of course Talent itself should\'t increase nor decrease over time, as talent is either there or not. You cannot train it and shouldn\'t lose it either.
Is that right or am I completely wrong with this assumption?
And what means \'Work Rate\'? I couldn\'t get what this should do, what other attributes aren\'t doing already, e.g. Feedback for better setups.
I\'d really like to know what these atts do... it doesn\'t help me much when I have a big list of numbers for a driver I cannot make any sense of.

Rudolf Tilgass medal 5000 13 years 86 days ago
I am wondering about Work Rate too XD

Alexis STRZ medal 5000 13 years 86 days ago
I think that work rate and talent are coupled, workrate = how much effect training will have, Talent = effect training will have / how good a driver can get.
Btw, just guessing not knowing XD

Dominik Photato medal 5000 13 years 85 days ago
Questions over questions... ^^
as of the training effect, I don\'t really believe that, as for now my drivers gain 1 or 2 points with each training-unit. Both my drivers have a work rate of 5, so advancing to 6 or 7 would basically ad nothing but theoretical decimals that won\'t be taken into account.
Man, that\'s bugging me... I love statistics but absolutely hate it when not having any clue, what the figures actually mean.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 13 years 85 days ago
I may be wrong but the developers do intend to include a list of attributes and what they relate to in the future.
This has been discussed during testing.
@Dominik - I think talent may decrease with age. Work rate is to do with the set-ups also. Poor work rate = too lazy to give feedback

Dominik Photato medal 5000 13 years 85 days ago
Mmh, ok, thanks for the Info, Jake.
I hope this compendium will come soon, as there are still some things you have to guess, how they work.