The last race in the season has just finished and I’ve decided to leave the league.
First race of new season isn’t until Monday but I’ve been deducted £42k. Why?
Kevin Bissellmedal 5084Super Mod 5 years 294 days ago (Last edited by Kevin Bissell 5 years 294 days ago)
There used to be a penalty of 10% of your bank balance for leaving a league. I thought the financial penalty for moving leagues was turned off a long time ago. So I will move this to the "Bugs" section and escalate to the iGP team.
Maybe one of the iGP team can give an "official" response.
There used to be a penalty of 10% of your bank balance for leaving a league. I thought the financial penalty for moving leagues was turned off a long time ago. So I will move this to the "Bugs" section and escalate to the iGP team.
Maybe one of the iGP team can give an "official" response.
Yes I did too. Last time I left a league at the end of the season I wasn’t deducted anything.
Kevin Bissellmedal 5084Super Mod 5 years 293 days ago
Update: I can confirm it is exactly as Memo says above, the penalty for leaving a league is 1% of your bank balance. So if you're planning to move leagues it's probably a good idea to manage your finances so your bank balance is as low as possible before making the switch.