Eton Fed medal 5000 12 years 85 days ago
I know it says in the information that the shorter your forecast is, the more accurate it is. However in the whole time I have been playing iGP (9-10 months I think?) the 5 minute forecast has always been incredibly accurate.
Todays race my 5 minute forecast was out by a good 2-3 minutes atleast. Rain popped up in the 5 minute window and it was raining literally 1.5 laps later at Hungary (2.5 minutes or something)
Not sure if this is a bug or not so I am just asking the question. Is this normal? If the 5 minute forecast is indeed inaccurate this is a first for me.

Tim Wheatley medal 5000 12 years 84 days ago
I go to weather sites to get the forecast for the location the race is at.

Joshua King medal 5000 12 years 84 days ago
Tim Wheatley! Haven't seen this guy since VROC days :P joining igp was a good choice.

Jackie Oliver medal 5000 11 years 329 days ago
Heavy Rain in Bahrain at 1430 GMT - HaHa!
All weather infos on the web say - weather fine!

Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 329 days ago
Good luck trying to keep them cool.
As daft as it sounds, you might be better off putting them on fully backing off and leaving them like it... Once the tyres hit the red there, then they carry on going up and up.. so keeping them cooler for longer may be the better way to go.