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A journey of overcoming

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medal 5421
5 years 276 days ago (Last edited by Wallace S. M. 5 years 275 days ago)
They said she did not have "talent." And that she was not going anywhere.
They said it was impossible for her to succeed. But, she does not know what is impossible.
With effort and dedication she has overcome!
Reached what many have not. She reached her limit. She reached the limit of all.


medal 5000
5 years 275 days ago
Good post Wallace, only salary now is 116k and if sb bought her I assume it would be sth like 1.4mn for a lvl 17 driver.
medal 5000
5 years 275 days ago
ok, I don't want to sound rude, but what exactly did she achieve?..4 wins in 169 races? 1 win every 2+ seasons.... no team or driver championship... All those 20's look good though. Good work.
medal 5045
5 years 275 days ago
dk if I'm going crazy but the font in that image looks off to me, almost like it was photoshopped even though I know it isn't.
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