Ion Timofti medal 5230 5 years 282 days ago
Cosa hai provato a fare?
In my championship it's about 3 months, maybe more, that after finishing a season, nobody are retroceeded from Élite to PRO, and we start a new season with 36 cars in Élite. The other promotioms/retrocession between the leagues are OK, but this retrocession from Élite to PRO persist.
Any new championship we start with 36 cars in Élite, 28 in Pro, 32 in Rookie.
Cosa è successo invece?
No retrocession for 4 last teams from Élite to PRO.
The teams who finished last are:
Marco Azzinap ,
Peppe G ,
MartoEporedia ,
Lorenzo .
Il problema si è verificato durante l'utilizzo di dati Wi-Fi, mobili o entrambi?
Il problema si è verificato nell'App, sul PC o in entrambi?
Qual è il modello del tuo dispositivo?
Leeco lemax x820
Qual è il sistema operativo?
Qual è il numero di versione del sistema operativo?
Don't know
Quale sistema operativo ha il tuo PC?
In quale browser hai riscontrato il problema?
Può essere riprodotto il bug?
This problem persist from about 3 months, maybe more. I wrote several times on forum, but nobody answered.
Commenti addizionali:
Please do something

Gert Rose medal 5001 Super Mod 5 years 281 days ago
Hi Ion, I have flagged your report to support and devs to look into. Hopefully they can find out what is causing this problem in your league.

Ion Timofti medal 5230 5 years 281 days ago
Hi Ion, I have flagged your report to support and devs to look into. Hopefully they can find out what is causing this problem in your league.
Thanks Gert, I hope they will fix the problem. This is the only league that I play when I find this kind of problem, and the problem persist every season from a lot of time

José Trujillo medal 5346
Community Manager 5 years 278 days ago
Reported to the developer team. I’ll keep the topic open to report updates on this problem/bug.

Ion Timofti medal 5230 5 years 264 days ago
Today we finish another season. And we have the same thing another time.
No retrocession from Élite to PRO. Now we have only 28 teams in Pro and more than 32 in Élite.
I don't play live the last race of the season, and I don't know exactly who are the teams who need to be retroceeded. For sure the last 4 teams are go up from Pro. I win the last season but I'm only the car 31, so now the standings are different from the standings of the last season finish.
I don't know why this BuG persist, but we have this from a lot of time.

Ion Timofti medal 5230 5 years 246 days ago
Another update:
Today we finish another championship, and also another time the problem persist. NO retrocession from Élite to PRO.
The 4 teams who need be retroceeded is:
Carmelo Toccaspalla
Marco Azzinap
Angelo Sicilia
Davide Ravidà
Now whe have 36 teams in Élite.

Ion Timofti medal 5230 5 years 228 days ago
Today we finish another season. And this time we have the retrocession from Élite to PRO.
Now we have all leagues OK.

José Trujillo medal 5346
Community Manager 5 years 228 days ago
Good to know, we’ll wait to the next season to confirm.