Loic Perrot medal 5000 12 years 78 days ago
So our race http://race.igpmanager.com/index.php?id=139923 just froze after lap 65. Now it's saying 'race not open'. Just bought the 2D from reward points and there is always some kind of a problem with races... getting frustrating

Andy Manning medal 5000 12 years 78 days ago
Same here for http://race.igpmanager.com/index.php?id=139973&view=2d im leading the race in a perfect position for the win, and it does that, sort it out.

Elcio P medal 5000 12 years 78 days ago
Guys.. middle of the race, lap 22 and we are getting the dreaded "RACE NOT OPEN" warning...
League in question: http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=league-info/149#tab3
Race in question: http://race.igpmanager.com/index.php?id=139974&view=2d
Can you check please? Thanks!

Jamie Ridler medal 5000 12 years 78 days ago
139972 also stuck on lap 22

Ken Sproat medal 5000 12 years 78 days ago
Support andrew there he was going to win. Lap 22 of 35 it died.

Loic Perrot medal 5000 12 years 78 days ago
Okay, our race is moving again.

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 12 years 78 days ago
Sorry about that. The races should all be running again now.

Arthur Akopyan medal 5000 12 years 74 days ago
can we have our race opened please? https://igpmanager.com/play/?url=league-info/1321#info

Simon Thornes medal 5000 12 years 74 days ago
Made the effort on New Years Day to attend the race and, like the pub, it's not open!

Jonne Pulli medal 5000 12 years 74 days ago
nice race we having at the moment. no devs working tonight?

Simon Thornes medal 5000 12 years 74 days ago
5 hours later....
still not open

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 12 years 74 days ago
Sorry about this. I have sent a message to your league host asking when he would like your race to be re run.