Mike Henry Jr medal 5000 12 years 76 days ago (edited 12 years 76 days ago)
Why are the races crashing every day around the same time?
Stop what you're doing with the new addons that we don't need right away, fix what you have going that people are paying for. I know you want new and more members to get the money back that you've invested but you are and will be losing member left and right if you do not fix the simple problems that you have.
I don't care about a new design system. Fix the crashes. Fix Monaco. Fix the pitting bugs. I just purchased my 2D days ago and I've had crashes multiple days in a row. I am on the fence about asking for a refund. Not to mention losing the purchase on my second account I was going to buy 2D on.

Brent Titensor medal 5000 12 years 76 days ago
I believe the folks @ ipg manager owe their customers an explaination. I assume you would fix the crashing issues if you could, so after 6 monthes of contast issues I have to assume you still have no idea as to why this issue occurs.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 12 years 76 days ago
There has been a lot of information on the forum about the issues with the simulator crashing & the causes of those crashes. In summary....
Andrew is spending 95%+ of his time addressing the instability of the simulator. It would be easier if the cause was the same each time but sadly it is not. The entire team is acutely aware of the frustration these issues bring & want them rectified just as much as you do.
All sorts of new features are indefinitely delayed until this is addressed.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 75 days ago
+1 Edwin.
If it were one single simple cause then it would have been sorted ages ago.
This is how I see it (in layman's terms!)-
Each time the server or simulator is at critical, something, somewhere 'breaks'.
It isn't always the same thing, but it does appear to be around the same time, when the load is 'critical'
Once it is 'broken' then nothing else can 'break' for that time.
So next time the same elements come together - it breaks in a different place.
It is a constant job of playing catch-up.
Eventually this will all get fixed but it will take time.
I also appreciate that the technology (probably not the right word) is new - the way this game is put together is ground-breaking - so you cannot 'look-up' the solution on the internet or in a book. Andrew and Jack are writing the book!! So even although there are problems for a some races at critical times, the vast majority seem to be working ok.
I am looking forward to 2013 with this game as it has so much potential and am privilaged to work with two talented people.
Happy New Year to all who have entered 2013 and to those still awaiting the turn of the world.

Brent Titensor medal 5000 12 years 75 days ago
Thanks for the follow up... I really do appreciate it. Best of luck in 2013

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 75 days ago
I'm also going to mention that Jack and Andrew are looking for people to come onboard to help with the programming.
C++, Java, CSS and SQL are some of the current languages involved in this game, feel free to give them a shout if you think you can help them.