Jaap Grolleman medal 5000 12 years 72 days ago
The iGP LIGA is a great league, but we have some six inactive managers in the rookie league, which is full - I'd love to make place for a new team, but the host has been inactive for 203 days now, and not responding to any PM's...
Would it be possible to boot him? Or inactive managers in general... If you didn't log in for over 100 days (some of them), then why are you even placed on the grid =/

Jack Jeffreys medal 5000 12 years 72 days ago
Fantastic Idea. But who woud implement it? A 100 day rule would be ok but could it not just be left to a league vote. And who would take over.
Good thought though

Tommy Vercetti medal 5000 12 years 72 days ago
World Of Warcraft has something like this for guilds. If you're inactive for x amount of days anyone can claim guild master. Might lead to a little bit of piss poor feelings to some who didn't grab it fast enough, so maybe a voting system or something that automatically appears would be cool.
"John Doe has been inactive for 30 days, please vote for your next manager. Poll will end in 5 days."

Jaap Grolleman medal 5000 12 years 72 days ago
Such implementation system might take some time to make - if we could do it manually on request for now I'd be happy.

Gary Collyer medal 5001 12 years 72 days ago
Pm Andrew Wiseman or Jack Basford and request a change of Host due to inactivity, sugest a new active host through discussing in your league and pass that on to them at same time.
Its been done several times b4.

Jaap Grolleman medal 5000 12 years 72 days ago
Thanks - I PMéd Jack Basford.