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New Quick Race feature

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medal 5000
5 years 257 days ago
I think the Quick Races are great!! Thanks for the comprehensive answer on this thread 
I had assumed that's why you did it that way but its nice to have the assumption confirmed. Keep up the good work and see if you can get crashes into the game please!
medal 5000
5 years 254 days ago
I think I may have found a rather nasty outcome from participating in quick races Having done a total of four of them, and winning each one, despite being 3rd/4th in the pecking order in our league usually finishing 5th/6th since completing these quick races the expectation for my cars in league races is, and has been for the last 3 races to finish 1st which is something that is just not achievable against the top teams with the end result that I cannot earn cash when racing.
  If this is a result of participating in quick races, winning, and raising league race expectations then I will not be doing them in the future, just far to expensive in the long run and not worth the time or effort.
  Anyone else found this to be the case?
medal 5000
5 years 248 days ago
My only problem is that they use up engines, so I either have to race with a damaged engine, or to spend tokens buying new engines. But they are SUPER fun.
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