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Practice Weather

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medal 5000
12 years 31 days ago
alow use to see active weather during practice.

EG: today in sigapore says its rainingh thunderstorms predicted. That doesnt mean that when do your praccy session it is actually raining or dry, so i suggest that you be able to see current weather when doing praccy. not just what is suggested weather for the day.

medal 5000
12 years 31 days ago
You can see the current weather when you are practicing. Under the "next race" section ou have Information, Assembly and your driver. It's under Information.
medal 5000
12 years 31 days ago
thats a daily weather forcast not an actual weather report on whats happening at the time of praccy
medal 5000
12 years 31 days ago
There is live weather here

and here (which is what the above poster said)

Both are live weather, not forecast.

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