Jim Newton medal 5000 12 years 67 days ago (edited 12 years 65 days ago)
I can't believe i left the letter c out twice in the title. lol
As a paid subscriber, i feel it is an unfair advantage during a race for the subscribers, but we also have to have a reason to pay for it.
Here are some suggestions to even things out, but at the same time making it worth paying for.
Subscribers Only:- 2d race view.
- All the after race telemetry, including all other cars exactly the same display as your own data.
- Spying on another team. - Research facilty. (being able to clone parts) level 3
- Simulator. (better default setup before test runs).
- Gym. (drivers health) level 3
- 160 staff limit to non-subscribers.
- motor home (staff & sponsor morale booster) level 4.
- commerce building. (merchandise sales) level 5.
Non-subsribers have everything else the same, including the exact same telemetry as subscribers during a race. This should make the actual race more even.
Thanks to Polar Bear for bringing this to light in his thread, because i had no idea that i had an advantage during a race, besides the 2d viewer, which is only a little advantage, because you can see if you are being held up by the car in front.

a gt99 medal 5000 12 years 67 days ago
About tire data etc.: how about subscribers get it in real time, nonsubscribers see this info only in splits?

Jim Newton medal 5000 12 years 65 days ago
About tire data etc.: how about subscribers get it in real time, nonsubscribers see this info only in splits?
Fine by me, as long as non-subscribers have some sought of idea how their tyres & fuel are doing.
I,m happy with giving them what we see, (except 2d viewer), but we get slightly better development as above.

Don Poppele medal 5000 12 years 65 days ago
How about non-subscribers get to see the telemetry for their cars only, but subscribers get to see telemetry for all cars, as they do now? That would simulate spying in the pits and, again, give another reason to subscribe.

Jim Newton medal 5000 12 years 65 days ago (edited 12 years 65 days ago)
How about non-subscribers get to see the telemetry for their cars only, but subscribers get to see telemetry for all cars, as they do now? That would simulate spying in the pits and, again, give another reason to subscribe.
I agree. I have also added that non-subscribers don't get a commerce building at level 5 & have to rely on sponsorship & completing their objectives for income.

Alex Madlopt medal 5000 12 years 65 days ago
If you want to see more ppl in this game, you can't tighten the rules. Many leagues have no teams.

Stuart Stapley medal 5000 12 years 65 days ago
If you want to see more ppl in this game, you can't tighten the rules. Many leagues have no teams.
Spot on. How would you get anyone to pay for 2D if there is no advantage.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 65 days ago
Paying shouldn't be about having an advantage- just a better race experience - ie one with more 'bells & whistles'.

Jim Newton medal 5000 12 years 64 days ago
Give the non-subscribers the bells & whistles. They can pay for the 2d view & certain management advantages.
After all this is a management sim, not a racing sim.

Alex Madlopt medal 5000 12 years 64 days ago
Remember, this is free to play game.

Lachlan Collins medal 5000 12 years 64 days ago
Remember, this is free to play game.
Yes it is, but you can pay, to have a better experience and help the devs etc.....

Jim Newton medal 5000 12 years 64 days ago
Remember, this is free to play game.
Exactly. Give the non-subscribers the tyre wear , tyre temp & fuel telemetry. Thats if its free to play. Or keep enjoying people who don't have money leaving the game because they feel its pointless competing without these values.

Stuart Stapley medal 5000 12 years 64 days ago
Paying shouldn't be about having an advantage- just a better race experience - ie one with more 'bells & whistles'.
But Jake if there was not advantage whats the point of people paying. All micro transactions/paying subs game gets a small advantage or a major one.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 64 days ago
The advantage is in having a better playing experience. ATM due to the game being so new the advantages aren't obvious (apart from 2D - enough said about that) but as time goes on subscribers will get more 'add-ons' so will have a more dynamic game. But if they are rubbish managers (like me) then they can still be beaten by a free player who really studies the form.
You should not be able to win races simple by paying for it. ATM it does appear that subscribers have an advantage, which again ATM I agree with as there is not much else to attract payment from a lot of people - not everyone want to help game development. However good managers, who play for free, can still beat poor paying managers if they play the game as intended.

Akisch Ramen medal 5000 12 years 64 days ago
I have played this game for over 6 months now and I can say that Subcribers doesnt have full advantage as you guys are saying. I have been beaten by non-subs quite a few times and that shows that if you understand a bit of telemetry, it will help you as well as the devs need to get paid if you want the game to be better. And as I recall, there is no ads running in non-subs mode so the devs only get their money from subs. So show a little support to these guys and stop complaining about paying members having an advantage as we don't.

Stuart Stapley medal 5000 12 years 64 days ago
Agree with you on on that Jake. Im not saying there is a huge advantage Akisch.