Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 65 days ago (edited 12 years 65 days ago)
Forgive my condescending question, but did you try the
But here I will try to answer your question as best as I can.
iGP Games Ltd is not a profitting business. All earned money goes towards the expenses from maintaining and creating content within iGPmanager and any future projects that are produced in the years to come. There are around 800 players (give or take 100) on at a time, which that alone requires a great deal of resources that do not come free, or cheap.
Games crash all the time, that is the nature of programming, this game isn't as simple as your facebook Flash Applications, there is alot of further complications, especially when the game runs on a seperate server to the website. This allows the website to remain stable apart from the game, although the information sharing is not always smooth sailing between the servers, and issues can arise. Above that, there is an underlying problem in the simulator is an issue that requires alot of rewriting to fix it.
The game itself still runs perfectly fine, sometimes with a hitch, especially on wednesdays. Other than that, the service works and there isn't always an issue behind it. I have experienced a few client crashes in recent weeks, but the races itself have never stopped for us, could be due to the fact we race at 20:30 GMT.
Hope you understand.