Nick Puylaert medal 5000 12 years 58 days ago
I was wondering if some iGP users are open for some kind of mentor programme?
I just got started here and also play on the GPRO website where I have a "mentor" that teaches me some of the basics of the game.
I've done 6-7 races now and most of the time I'm puzzled on the results from practise and race.
I sometimes get setup results with 98 front wing for a track that has 'low downforce' and my driver says 'Feels good'.
So if someone with a little more experience in the game, would like to give me some guidance, just let me know.
I also speak Dutch.
Thanks in advance!

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 58 days ago
Much of this game is shrouded in mystery. Even with some of my insight and recommendations with the Dev Team. I know as much as everyone else.
There are a few people who do take on 'Mentoring', but it is rather rare. Currently I am in a bad position competivity as I haven't won a race in 4 seasons. Hopefully that error will disappear soon.

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 58 days ago
I'm happy to help I guess. Not really keen on writing a novel about it (lazy kicking in xD) but if you have a bunch of questions just PM them my way :)

Darth Vader medal 5000 12 years 58 days ago
Can you help me, Eton ? :)

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 58 days ago
Sure :P

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 58 days ago
Yes distract him for me. So I can win. Jason get Pole today so I can get 2nd and run away with the win.

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 58 days ago
Knowing lewis' luck I will get pole and he will get 2 and drive away with the win, like last season XD

Darth Vader medal 5000 12 years 58 days ago
Don't make me destroy you, Luke... [mechanical breathing]

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 58 days ago
Don't make me destroy you, Luke... [mechanical breathing]
Stole the words right out of my mouth.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 12 years 58 days ago
I think you will find that it was me on pole & you did not get passed at the 1st corner....XD

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 12 years 58 days ago
To be serious.....
One of my tasks as a Moderator is to answer peoples questions, so PM me or post them here. I do not know everything, but I know a few people who might....some of my friends in the British Racing League for example.............that means you David & Jason

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 58 days ago
He's already PM'd me and I've already responded if that helps :)

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 12 years 58 days ago (edited 12 years 58 days ago)
Cool. Thank you Jason

Brett Wilson medal 5000 12 years 58 days ago
Gday All, I hate to say im jumping on the band wagon but id love to to find someone that could help me with regarding to setup.. ive done like 4-5 races now. and i seem to be able to leave practise right before qualy time and i seem to be able to get all Feel Good results im even logging in all comments inot a spreadsheet for collection to analyze but im trying to find out if there is like a feel good range etc. I would appreciate any help with this. Thanking you all in advance (the new guy) hehe :)

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 58 days ago
I'm not having a good time at the moment. Get back to me in 3 seasons when I have drivers that can win.

Lachlan Collins medal 5000 12 years 58 days ago
Should do it psb style,they have academies for mentoring.

Darth Vader medal 5000 12 years 58 days ago
Brett, I have a cooler helmet than you.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 57 days ago
@ Brett and anyone else that is interested.
There is no perfect setup as the game has too many variables. It really is down to experience while playing and the game has and will change as time goes on. I like the idea of a mentor though. Some leagues are better than others at this, because asking the guys you are racing with sometimes helps. As I say it depends on the league. You will get an idea of the helpful people from the forums as well. Some of us who have been with the game since its developement are all willing to help anyone new.
I would be useless at mentoring though as I have 'worlds worst player' status :D
The point is - don't be afraid to ask dumb questions - we have all been there!

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 12 years 57 days ago
I want Jason to tutor me.

Brett Wilson medal 5000 12 years 57 days ago
Thanks for the comments guys. @Jake thanks mate.. Ive discovered a few little things here and there over the last couple of days i supose the rest might come with time. it seems there are alot of variables that going into setup jsut have all "feel goods"is the tip of the iceberg (so i discovered) i believe i have gone about it all wrong with driver training and development hoping its not to late to turn some ok results around. Started off somewhat ok in my series or so i thought but now some front running cars are lappng the whole field or gaining 5-6 positons on last lap hehe. my point being is i think i feel behind due to lack of knowleagde. but i thought it was abit closer as apaprently we are all rookies but not to worry living an learning hehe. it seems every track has its advatages to certian driver attributes figuring them out will take along time but i think im on the rihgt path. Thank again guys im sure i will be posting many more stupid questions hehe :)