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IOS App Suggestions

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medal 5000
5 years 249 days ago
I play a lot on my phone as its more convenient when out and about. 

However there are some limitations that frustrate me. Is it possible for any of these to be implemented?

1. Most wanted - Being able to scroll up and down on all drivers in the race to see their stats, laptimes ETC. at the moment i am limited to 4-6 cars (2 being mine) its frustrating no knowing what tyre the leader is on or how many stops. also if they are far gone you cant click them sometimes to even see if they have kers left.
2. Would be useful - Double Kers button - A small button on the right of the tyre wear or something instead of swap. then click the drivers head to swap cars instead. them sometimes to even see if they have kers left. 
3. Nice to have - Seeing the wages of the staff/driver you want to buy. its not visable in the app. even if you click in to them. there is plenty of room in both areas to add it. 

I have more but these are my biggest issues. 
medal 5000
5 years 248 days ago
medal 5000
5 years 248 days ago
100% these are needed. The double car boost is killing me every race?
medal 5000
5 years 247 days ago
I think a Massive ??to all Three suggestions or points . But don’t hold ur breath as they have just done a update which has massively increased the Buggies . 
medal 5000
5 years 247 days ago
Add this to the list for Android also?
medal 5000
5 years 245 days ago
Point 3 should be easy. And I think doesn’t need a game update in the app.  

The others are bit more work. But would massively change the game. 
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