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YDA 100% drivers.

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medal 5000
12 years 18 days ago
I thought young driver academy drivers were supposed to be your scouting level +1 when they were 100%? Every single one I have seen released to the public (including my own) have been no higher than level 9. I am level 12 and the one I just hired straight from my YDA is level 9, with only two stats at scouting +1 (13) and the rest are sitting around 6 or 7 mostly.

It almost makes the YDA training pointless, because even though you get to 100% they still have terrible physical that takes 2 seasons to train up. Better off just hiring them at 5% and training their physical straight away I reckon.
medal 5208
12 years 18 days ago
I asked about this weeks ago, and no response.
medal 5003
12 years 17 days ago
the highest attributes are +1 of scouting level NOT everything, there will still be variation including some as low 2-3, the higher the % race ready the the higher that variation and more at +1 of your scouting level.

I asked same question here and Jack answered it.
medal 5000
12 years 17 days ago
But if that were true it seems highly unlikely that every driver I've released has been level 9. Why no variation? 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13? Every single one is 9, and many people I speak to say 9 aswell.
medal 5003
12 years 17 days ago
i got a level 10 overal with another team, 100% trained (My scouting level was 12)
medal 5404 CEO & CTO
12 years 17 days ago
Unless the wording is misleading, it should say that the maximum possible attribute is your level +1, not the overall level. It's probably just the law of averages resulting in the same overall level coming out each time.
medal 5208
12 years 17 days ago
I guess it beats a level 4 YDA, but not very useful for the higher levels, specifically if they get 20 Charisma.
medal 5003
12 years 17 days ago
I guess it beats a level 4 YDA, but not very useful for the higher levels, specifically if they get 20 Charisma.

u would have to have a scouting xp level of 19 to get an attribute at 20 David........
medal 5000
10 years 159 days ago
ok just got my YDA got my driver up to 100% and hired him to my team. Wow i was so disappointed it was not well trained would have taken me another 3 seasons at least to get him to were my other driver was, so i sacked him after 1 race and got my other driver back.

so from what i can see YDA is useless may as well hire better ones from the market.
medal 5000
10 years 154 days ago
The more I think about this, the more I'm inclined to agree.

My current driver on this account was found in the public market, after being released from someone else's YDA, and he's turned into a very good driver, among the best I've ever had (across 3 accounts).

I have a driver Alyssa Jones on another (currently inactive) account, and she's become quite good too. I scouted her through my YDA and let her train up to 100% Race Ready before I hired her. It took maybe two seasons before she was fighting for wins and fighting her far-more-experienced teammate, but I knew it would take about that long going in anyway, so I didn't consider it a loss.

Really, the biggest difference between YDA and free market are drivers you hire from your own Academy will sign for a lot cheaper. I think Jones' initial contract was something like $260,000 per race, whereas a driver in the market would have cost me twice, maybe three times that. So you save money, but if you're at the point where that really matters you can't buy the YDA anyway.

Having thought through all this while writing, I'm thinking the YDA needs an overhaul to make it more useful. Perhaps some capability to influence training while they're still hired on. Perhaps the YDA should show an average of the stats for each category (Attacking, Defense, Physical, Speed, Mental, and Technical), and then each race you can pick which area to train, either for the whole Academy, or on a per-driver basis. Don't show the individual stats until the drivers are either hired or fired.

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