O que você estava tentando fazer?
I have 03 accounts that plays on differents times and had conections issues for all day, but on this account was terrible.
Take a look on this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjN6JKq9AEg&t=69s , it was impossilbe to play.
O que ocorreu de fato?
Can't play.
O problema ocorre usando WiFi, internet móvel, ou ambos?
O bug ocorreu no aplicativo, PC ou ambos?
Qual o modelo do seu celular?
Samsung Galaxy TabA
Qual o sistema operacional?
Qual a versão do seu sistema operacional?
Not with it at this moment so cant say.
I did it today, but as foi can see, still have problems on viewer and some lag.
It seems freezing issue is solved, but still have some lag and no info panel.