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Search options

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medal 5000
13 years 10 days ago

I am assuming that the search options are not fully implimented as it doesn\'t work for certain criteria.
medal 5665 CEO & CTO
13 years 10 days ago
Could you be a bit more specific? I\'ll check it out when I get a chance.
medal 5000
13 years 9 days ago
Sorry, yes, I didn\'t want to write a big long post then find out it wasn\'t implemented.

I have tried searching using the search bar at the top of the page on the grey area and it comes up with nothing but then opens a search \'window\'.
I then use this and again with managers it doesn\'t find them, also the drivers & staff.

I can find teams though.

The search window is a bit random!
e.g.  if I put in a drivers name it initially searches for a manager or staff member until I click on \'driver\'

I hope you understand what I mean.
medal 5665 CEO & CTO
13 years 9 days ago
It\'s contextual, so if you\'re currently browsing the drivers areas when conducting the search it will search for drivers, likewise for staff etc.
medal 5000
13 years 9 days ago
ok I get what you mean now-
but here is an example

I was browsing the rules page and put in my name and it came up.
I went back to the rules page and put in my team name but it couldn\'t find it until I put the team name into the pop-up search box.

It looks as if the \'manager\' box is the default.

Oh I just know I am not explaining this very well!
medal 5665 CEO & CTO
13 years 9 days ago
You\'re right, manager is the default search when nothing contextual can be found.
medal 5000
13 years 9 days ago
ok thanks - just wanted to make sure it was working as expected - and it is (a bit \'round-the-houses) but I find what I am looking for    -eventually :)
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