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league grouping

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medal 5000
5 years 242 days ago
currently all the leagues in the game are single leagues managed by single hosts... Some players strive to create multiple leagues but face the problem of logging into multiple accounts on order to host all these leagues.

what about a system where if a league host is good, they can submit a request to their league members to become a "syndicate host" (feel free to name that as you wish).

if the vote is successful, it gets auto forwarded to a game admin, who then check the league and give/deny the syndicate host position.

a syndicate host will be able to leave their current league, assign a "deputy host" before leaving, who covers their "inactive" status while they setup another good league.

the thought behind this is, good hosts who want to do more for the game will be able to, and hopefully if the hosts are well known, people will flock to their leagues, not the rubbish hosts who mistreat their members.

obvious game admins would reserve their right to strip a bad host of his syndicate host status, so those with that right would have to want it, and so should remain as good hosts... If a host loses syndicate rank, the deputy host gets the host rank of the leagues the syndicate host..

the whole point is that the syndicate host does not manage all the leagues, just the one they are in.. The deputy host becomes the host of the league, but is held accountable by the syndicate host who would remove the deputy host if he is not running the league to his liking.

it should be fairly hard to get this successful, like less than 10% saying no, with a minimum of 20 votes in 2 car leagues and 40 votes in 1 car leagues, meaning at the least 1 full tier and 1 other tier need to vote at least in part.

didn't mean for this idea to have so much text.. Oh well.. And if it gets shot down in flames, fair enough, i just figure this is better than the same people who would wish to be a syndicate host, making 5 accounts to run 5 leagues, and having to log into all those accounts..
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