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tyre wear

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medal 5000
5 years 236 days ago
could anyone answer at roughly what percentage tyres no longer provide good performance and "fall off the cliff"
medal 5004
5 years 236 days ago

could anyone answer at roughly what percentage tyres no longer provide good performance and "fall off the cliff"

I would take them no lower than 40% sometimes to 35%

medal 5000
5 years 236 days ago
Tyres loose performance, when under 50%. But first few percent below 50% are not that serious. They don't loose dramatically at a certain point, but more and more when on wrong side of 50%.

How far shall u go? That depends on race length:
- in 50% race-length-leagues u mostly do 2-Stops on Softs. That might force u to drain ur tyres till 30%. Not ideal, but most of the time the quickest strat.
- in 100% race-length-leagues ur tyres do more laps till reaching this 50% point. On softs that's about 1/4 of race distance. So, mostly a 3 Stop strat on softs is in place. 2-Stops on Softs would be possible tyre-wise. But u would carry double the fuel compared to 50% race-length-leagues! That's a no-go.

Conclusion: in 100%-races tyre live (of Softs, who uses others anyway?!), is not the crucial part.
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