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different browsers can't connect to '' (Macbook OSX 10.6.8)

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medal 5000
12 years 6 days ago
as the title says:
-chrome: "can't connect to"
-safari: "Safari can't open the page: '' because there was no connection possible with the server '' "
later it said: can open '' because the server, on which this page is on, doesn't respond.
-firefox: "can't make a connection with the server at '' "
as you can imagine, my results suffer greatly. only my phone is able to show the live timing so I can follow the race, but not control.
I have no firewall enabled.

any ideas? 
medal 5000
12 years 6 days ago
Robert, I suggest you log a call with the helpdesk & Aaron will be pleased to try to help you
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