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Safety car

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medal 5000
5 years 236 days ago
Benefits are clear...main one being if you don't have raw pace you can run long (or short) and gamble on a SC. Should be easy to program too..just a percentage probability for each track, wouldn't even need an actual car with a  incident, just a BS like debris on track or even no reason given.

Also,.I'd like to see fuel.load making a difference to both quali and raced This
 also gives teams without raw pace the chance to make some strategy moves. 
medal 5000
5 years 232 days ago (Last edited by Testo Viron 5 years 231 days ago)
In my opinion its good idea
medal 5004
5 years 232 days ago
Safety cars have no point in being in the game if cars can't crash or anything like that?
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