Speedy Gonzales medal 5000 5 years 238 days ago (Last edited by
Speedy Gonzales 5 years 237 days ago)
Had the same issue bidding on a driver.
I placed a bid on him with the deadline at about 2 and a half hours. After a while another manager made a bid too. When i checked again (deadline should be at around 1 hour or less by that time) the deadline was at around 2:10:00 left and it showd that noone had placed a bid. When i tried to do so, a message popped up like the one in the screenshot above, saying that my level wasn't high enough. Of course that was not the case as the driver was level 9, same as my manager level. I also tried both through browser and the app, using both wifi and data, nothing changed. Although i noticed that for like a second when i hit refresh the "correct" deadline time would show up and then it would change to the new one.
I hope this bug is fixed soon because except for losing tokens for nothing it messes up the whole transfer situation in the game.
That's the driver's link.