Joshua Clifton medal 5000 5 years 240 days ago
I ran into an issue yesterday. While trying to join my race, I couldn’t connect past 50%. I restarted the phone, closed out all other apps, restarted this app. Nothing would allow me to join. Anyone else experience this?

Joshua Clifton medal 5000 5 years 239 days ago
This is happening again right now.. any help??

José Trujillo medal 5346
Community Manager 5 years 238 days ago
Reported to the developer team. I’ll keep the topic open to report updates on this problem/bug.

Joshua Clifton medal 5000 5 years 238 days ago
2nd day in a row, same issue. Deleted app, cleared cache. Nothing is working

Thomas Dyreskov medal 5000 5 years 232 days ago
Have the exact same problem within my league. Load screen gets to 50% and then says and error has occured, and it should be tried again to connect.

Paps Dass medal 5000 5 years 230 days ago (Last edited by
Paps Dass 5 years 229 days ago)
Hello !
Same problem for me Yesterday.
I have an Android système : should i open a New topic ?

Paps Dass medal 5000 5 years 228 days ago
Problem ended.
During last week, i was connectés with the 4G : it was OK.
I had no 4G during the last 3 days (general technical pb), but a good wifi connection, and it doesn't work.
When 4G Come back, it doesn't Worlk. I had to stop the wifi service and it worked...
The change of type of connection seems to be the pb (?)