James Reynolds medal 5000 12 years 36 days ago
Hi all,
One of the reasons I actually found iGP, was I was searching for a game that I can only remember as being F1-Live Gold, from around 10 years ago.
It was a game very similar to this one, except your 'team' was made up of manager players, who contributed to a group cash pot, which was then spent on development etc...
Players were voted for different positions, so you had a team manager, a chief designer, a commercial manager etc... who were responsible for spending the cash that was allocated to them.
It disappeared at the end of its last season, with the word from the developers being they needed to make some updates. After a while, you couldn't log in, and then the whole game just disappeared.
I have looked over the years for it to be reincarnated. It was hugely addictive, but it never reappeared, and there is no sign of it at all any more.
So, does anyone remember this game?

Cole Trickle medal 5000 9 years 266 days ago
I remember them all, played them all, but confuse the names sometimes.
I registered to Gold prior to last race of season, joined a decent team. Won that race (cause of good team and me racing people, who weren't able to make points the whole season). Then founding out it was the last race ever seen to that game :-/
So, yeah, I am maybe the only unbeaten player in F1 Gold ;-)
It all started with this: classic.F1live
Played the classic F1 live till it stopped http://web.archive.org/web/19980523143836/http://www.f1live.com/index.en.shtml
Also played F1time, now called racingboss.com and of course GPRO (not to confuse with F1REM which firms now under grandprixracingonline.com; shame on you, Sergi! Which I also used to play).

El Mohico medal 5000 9 years 264 days ago
i played some of them as well, but i can tell you. IGP is the best... IMHO needs some work, but still best. GPRO is boring cause attending the race is not important ... here you have to preapre the team and manage the time during the race .... after reaserch I choose IGP