Adam Gosling medal 5000 12 years 24 days ago
Suggestion to fix things:
Pretty sure we have all given up hope of a big update coming.
Can we atleast get the minor stuff fixed so we have a fully functioning game instead of stuff like Monaco Pitlane happening.
Even if its 1 small minor thing a week. So we atleast know where we stand in the current state of the game.
All this hype of a big update / small update that just goes onto beta for over half a year isn't exactly useful.
Surely there is stuff that has been completed and ready to be put into the full game, why hold back forever. really really really small updates every 1 - 2 weeks. would make the game better than just have the same stuff happen, season after season after season, while we wait for this big update, that no doubt when released, will have a ton of bugs anyway.

Uncle Albert medal 5000 12 years 24 days ago

Adam Gosling medal 5000 12 years 24 days ago
didn't see you had posted something similar :D i rarely bother with the forums, but i felt i had to make an exception.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 12 years 24 days ago
Things are being fixed all the time. Perhaps the issue is communication

Adam Gosling medal 5000 12 years 24 days ago
Guess so, but all that's covered in Rob's post anyway :D

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 24 days ago
All I can say really is, things are being done. While I will not disclose what Jack and Andrew have told me (nothing technical or to give me an advantage over anyone else), things are getting done. The reason I won't tell anyone what these are is because I'm subjected to a non-disclosure agreement. My role is merely an advisor and beta tester, and an occasional liason for the developers on important issues when necessary.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 23 days ago
+1 David.
But I do agree that we need some way of informing people of what is happening. A great deal of work is being done without people actually noticing any difference to the game! This can be frustrating for everyone. But I will try and explain what i think the problem is.
The devs really are working flat out on the game so do not have much time to engage with the forum. I scan the forum every day and this an take me from 30 mins to 2 hours depending on what has been posted, if I reply, or what time I spend following up any problems. That would be a lot of time out of development. If someone was employed to 'update' only on the forum then the devs would still have to sit down and explain what was happening and then read all the posts to make sure they were correct. This wouldn't take any less time! I am not making excuses - just hoping people will understand why things are not ideal. I would have to guess that the game cannot be making enough money for them to employ someone with the technical experise to just write updates!
Having said all that, I do agree that communication is the key to this, but I have no idea how to progress the suggestion!

Daniel Page medal 5000 12 years 23 days ago
I also agree that communication needs to be addressed.
Im not sure what others think but i would prefer communication over time it takes to develop/fix problems etc. But its a catch 22 situation as Jakes post above explains.
Maybe a survey needs to be put out to customers to see what they think/what they want etc.

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 23 days ago
I'll speak to the devs and ask what I can tell you all.
Also I've been documenting how the new Design System, Sponsor and Supplier system works and a guide relating on those and more will be released around the same time as the big patch release, as per request from Devs.

Daniel Page medal 5000 12 years 23 days ago
It would be nice just to know what they have/will be working on. It just has to be short bullet points
Fixed Weather system
Working on tyre warmers
(the points above are just made up lol)

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 23 days ago
Yes Daniel, that might be a fairly easy compromise.
Well it seems easy to me - I bet it isn't though!

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 22 days ago
The Weather System isn't really an issue, Tire interaction with weather needs to change throughout a year and I have a more fun suggestion to have new tires come onto play every season to give every driver the unknown impression of what these tires will do, How quickly will they heat up, how long will they last and how fast are they?

Ethan Bass medal 5000 12 years 22 days ago
Yeah, cause that will reduce the quali-lottery and the randomness that each track provides. Why does every V.High tyre wear track wear the tyres in such a silly degree of each other, that just doesn't happen in real life.
Also, new tyres each season, yeah cause we all want to be playing "Guess Who lucks pole" half the time or have all leagues run at Monaco cause we don't have weeks of preseason to figure out tyres that will only then get changed next season where we again have to try and see what they do. Possibly meanign the track information on tyre wear and such becomes completely useless.
Yeah, erm why change the tyres when it's the tracks that are flat out broken and tha fact that currently in iGP, going in a straight line at high speeds, heat up the tyres up more than they do under hard corners. Explain that cause it's what happens, you watch cars at the end of straights like at Monza and the tyres heat up down the straights and cool going round the corners.
This is why we keep banging on about it and why we keep asking to see some evidence that people are actually doing something to improve the service that they charge us for.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 12 years 22 days ago (edited 12 years 22 days ago)
I know that the team is working hard to improve things. They are working evenings & weekends in an attempt to give all the users the best experience.
It cannot be easy for them to read this thread & not a motivating experience.
We need to find a way to explain in a short & simple manner what the work is that's going on & what things have been 'fixed'.

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 12 years 22 days ago
We are such a small team that it is often hard to get on top of ongoing maintenance issues to even get the chance to work on development. A problem with the simulator 2 weeks ago meant that I spent 8+ hours just recovering from it. That issue in particular put stability right back at the top of the priority list again and I have spent most of my time since then focusing on that. (I am cautiously optimistic that issue is finally fixed though).
We recently took on a new developer. I have spent a fair bit of time in the past couple of weeks bringing him up to speed. Of course, this means work will slow down in the short term but it should quickly multiply in efficiency as he gets set in.
To address Daniel's suggestion: Giving lists of current development tasks risks raising false hope. We continually need to shuffle priorities around, often significantly. I do agree it would hugely reduce uncertainty people have about activity in the project though. Once we grow our team a little more we will develop a more reliable production system and we can reconsider adding something along these lines.

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 22 days ago (edited 12 years 19 days ago)
Just to end any speculation, I am not that Developer.
The reason why I said this was because I've been working closely with the developers behind the scenes and I have been asked to come aboard. Some people were taking my posts as litteral proof rather than theorising what is going to be done which was sadly a mistake that lead to collateral damage.
Also the guide has been worked on for the past 3 months, not past 4 weeks Mr Louth.

Ethan Bass medal 5000 12 years 22 days ago
Nobody was speculating. Why do you think you're important David?

WoHen Nankan medal 5000 12 years 19 days ago
Somebody thinks they are super important. What a big boy he is!

Arthur Akopyan medal 5000 12 years 19 days ago
By the way I'm not that developer neither, I know you've been speculating!

Chris Louth medal 5000 12 years 19 days ago
I'll speak to the devs and ask what I can tell you all.
Also I've been documenting how the new Design System, Sponsor and Supplier system works and a guide relating on those and more will be released around the same time as the big patch release, as per request from Devs.
How have you been doing all this? You've been a very busy boy the past few weeks remember.
Nobody was speculating. Why do you think you're important David?
Agreed. The guy needs to stop proudly waving his e-penis about