Buzz Kapow medal 5000 5 years 226 days ago
I have tried to heal my driver twice today with tokens, and while the tokens get spent, my drivers health stays where it was. I thought I noticed it yesterday as well, but definitely twice now today it has happened.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 5 years 226 days ago
Escalated to the iGP team

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 5 years 209 days ago
Hi there Buzz, I'm sorry to hear about that.
Have you noticed this problem again since then? If yes, I'd like to know if you could record video when healing your drivers during training so we can assess the problem better.
I've returned 20 tokens to your account and gifted 10 extra tokens to make up for any problems caused.

Buzz Kapow medal 5000 5 years 209 days ago
I think I figured out what caused it. If I try to heal my driver while the train button is greyed out, it takes the tokens and doesn’t heal them. I’m using an iPad, and there’s sometimes small lag after hitting the train button, and I think that’s what causes the problem. Thank you for your help