N Ugis medal 5000 12 years 24 days ago
How can I purchase 2d for 1 month?
Thank you!

Uncle Albert medal 5000 12 years 24 days ago (edited 12 years 24 days ago)
You can't... It's 1 year or Free 2 Play..
Sorry. That might sound abrupt..
iGP did have the 1 month subscription at one point, but they stopped it unless you had already been signed up to the 1 month rolling subscription, but this was just under a year when they stopped it..
I don't think there are plans to bring it back any time soon. Edwin or David maybe able to tell us more on this.. idk.
Ohhh. Also.. As the new season of F1 starts again soon, they may do the same as last year and have a special for the 1 year 2D package. :D

Kim Stølås medal 5000 12 years 24 days ago
You need 600 reward points to get one month of 2D play,so you can buy 600 reward points and use them.

Gary Collyer medal 5001 12 years 24 days ago
U can purchase 2D for 1 month.
Go to rewards and u can get it for 600 reward points, and u can buy reward points in top up section, exspensive way of doing it but still cheaper than a full year at £30 if u have less than that.

Uncle Albert medal 5000 12 years 24 days ago
Good point you 2.. I didn't think about that because of how crazy the price would be to buy it that way..