M J medal 5000 12 years 17 days ago
Since some leagues only have races as little as once a week or 3 times a week instead of every day, I think the full year subscription should be for the amount of races you can do in one year (365). Instead of being a timed subscription for exactly a year, you can get a year's worth of races on your own time. Maybe if the game gets a bit stale for someone they can leave their league, take a break, then come back when they want and not come back to a "Your subscription has expired" email.
This could actually make the game available for more people. There would be more subscription options such as:
[*]Subscription for 50 races
[*]Subscription for 100 races
[*]Subscription for 150 races
[*]Subscription for 200 races
[*]Subscription for 250 races
[*]Subscription for 300 races
I sure as hell would make a subscription with that system.

Jaap Grolleman medal 5000 12 years 17 days ago
I'm in a league that does only two races a week. I'm sure a lot more people would get subscription with this system.

aCb Chapman medal 5000 12 years 16 days ago
We had that suggestion a few weeks ago - but no response.
Even if you compare some leagues that race once a week to leagues that race every day - it's a very hard unbalance if they should pay the same!

wouter de bruin medal 5000 12 years 12 days ago
I agree, I got 3 trials for the 2d viewer. Why can't I just buy X amount of 2d viewer sessions?
Would love to buy a pack to get me through a season, see if the game still attracts me.

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 12 days ago
I mentioned this about 6 months ago but the reason the idea was shut down was because if you spectated a race through the spectator mode, you'd use up one of your sessions, and you can't make spectating free because that means free users could also spectate their own races.
My argument is that this should be up to the subscriber - If you regularly spectate races then perhaps a "pay per race" system like we've mentioned wouldn't be the best option for you and you can choose to stick to the tradtional yearly subscription.
I can certainly understand this idea though, especially if you're in a 1 or 3 race a week league, it just doesn't seem worth it to buy a subscription. Even the 1 month rewards points option isn't a good idea if you don't race every day. If you're in a 3 race a week league it costs you 600 points for 12 races essentially, and if you're in a 1 race a week league you only get 4 races for the 600 points, where as someone in an everyday league gets up to 28-30 races for the same amount of points.

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 12 days ago
It's only the same price as a packet of cigarettes per month! You can't have two addictions. Prefably, I'd go the one better for me which is the more educated one.

wouter de bruin medal 5000 12 years 12 days ago
And how about the busy schedule outside the digital world, allows me to only watch one race every week or even 2 weeks live. Even with 3 races a week, I can only watch one in five of them.
Besides, if you spectate your own races, you can't give any orders / have any influence.

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 12 days ago
The subscription cost is £29.99 per year, which is £2.49.
Consider the price of other games and how much 50 races would cost you? In this game you are likely to run a maximum of 30 races a month. Does £2.49 sound worth 30 races? The monthly subscription was tried and from what I expect from the decision behind removing it was that it was very unpopular.
Individual race tokens is an idea but a bad one at that. It's a recipe for exploitation and aswell as a monthly/yearly subscription is beneficial.
Go for the year, it is not that expensive.

James Young medal 5000 12 years 12 days ago
It's not that expensive if you race every day. It is quite expensive if you race 3 or fewer times per week. I was hard done by on my main account because I had a rolling month-to-month subscription last year, but got laid off and the money was too tight to afford it (yes, those $9 really did help to have toward the end of the month), so I cancelled it. I figured I would go back on but then it got taken away, and the only option is yearly. I was hesitant to buy a year because my income wasn't (and still isn't) all that great, and at the time there were nearly daily problems with the game - races crashing, loss of controls and the like - and I didn't think the game was worth it in that state.
Thankfully, the system stability is much improved, but I still have a hard time justifying it because most of the people I race(d) with have since left the game. I signed up and raced in private leagues with members of a message board. At one time we had about 60 players, but now 9 months later only about 15 are active, and another two are talking about leaving due to lack of updates to the game, and that will lose us another three teams. That will leave only three active managers in my current league and tier with this team and four for my main team. The other two guys who plan to stay and I talked about switching leagues at the end of our current season, but I'm not enthused about that because already I have a hard time being present for races, and most of the leagues with good numbers race at times that don't work for me, and this is especially true of the every day leagues. I haven't really been able to justify to myself spending close to US $50 to race with two other guys (three other teams total). I don't want to leave the game but the lack of numbers in leagues where I can really participate make it not that enjoyable to race.
It's not about the cost, it's about the value.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 12 years 11 days ago
Besides, if you spectate your own races, you can't give any orders / have any influence.
Sure you can. With the help of another browser and the live timing option.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 12 years 11 days ago
Go for the year, it is not that expensive.
Maybe for you and others. What about a lifetime subscribtion ? Say, 500 GBP.

Kim Stølås medal 5000 12 years 11 days ago (edited 12 years 11 days ago)
I think they could have had more then one option on making a subscription. If you could chose between 1 month for £3 and then a year for £29.99. That would be great for those who dont have £29.99 to pay in once and for those who are new and unsure about the game. Paying £30 for a game that you are not sure if you want to play or not is a lot of money for many people, if they had the option to pay £3 for a month and then try it, then more might stay and play sine they then would have had a good idea about how the game works. The 3 free 2d viewings is not really enough to get a good idea about the game.
But I see the point for those who don't race more then once or twice a week, and an idea could be that you could buy viewings and not a time period as a option to the time period. So if you could buy 15-20 viewings for £3 and 150-200 for £29.99. Then those would last longer then a years subscription for those who race once or twice a week.
If you gave 365 viewings for £29.99 then those who race once or twice a week would have many years of subscription, and the game need regular income to be developed. So we are all contributing to that as well.

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 11 days ago
If you don't have £30, then you need to rebudget.

Kim Stølås medal 5000 12 years 11 days ago
All might not have that David, but if they can pay £3 a month might it be easier for them, and that would be £36 a year as well, so easier for them and more money in the game. And then many can try the 2D for a season and them make up their mind if they want to continue and maybe go for a full year. And that will hopefully bring in more players too :)

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 11 days ago
I don't want to stop discussion about the subscription cause it is always good that the developers know what people think, but I think there is also a problem with the payment method. The company has to pay a fee or something on small payments, so small monthly payments don't actually make money for them - or something like that. I don't really know but it is a problem.

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 10 days ago
If anyone remembers, as Jake said, this is why the smaller subscriptions were taken off in the first place. The fee they were having to pay for the transaction didn't even cover the cost of the 1 month sub, so hence it's gone and I doubt it will be back any time soon.
I still think a pay per race system is a great idea for those who only race in 1 race a week leagues though. Even if it was £29.99 for 100 races, that's still far better value for money than the current system.

Uncle Albert medal 5000 12 years 10 days ago (edited 12 years 10 days ago)
Giving the 2D to ALL and making better things for subscribers behind the game would stop all of these issue.... I've only said it about 999 times. :D
The basics of ANY browser game is that the people paying in should rank faster.. That is it.. no advantage in the main actual game it's self.. It's simple logic tbh.
If a paid and a non paid member are level 1.. Then the F2P has every right to beat the paid account... BUT.. by the time the F2P is level 5. The paid should be about level 8 and so on.. The advantage should not be in the 2D and should be for ALL players...
Forget the small minded thoughts of.. Paid people would stop paying if they all have the 2D.. Ok.. Some will stop.. BUT long term. F2P players would stay around and pay in when they can, they will also bring others in and more people = more money in the long run.
That makes more sence than people signing up and leaving as soon as the 2D trials have run out... and not telling others about the game in a good light.
Read the forums and take on board what F2P have been saying.
Also for the record. I am still on the pay per month system from old.. So they make more out of me than the special 1 year deal members..

M J medal 5000 11 years 336 days ago
Maybe if the subscription was still a high paying one, but also measured by amount of races instead of time. Much like the 3 race trial you get when you first start the game.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 336 days ago
This was discussed before but I think the ability to do this was nearly impossible to implement.