Kevin Brown medal 5000 12 years 18 days ago
At the start of this season I had 100% for all parts on my current car so i put 100% of my time into next years car.
The max i have on any of my parts is currently 13% so far this season 12% of that was due to training the design department. I just had my first parts come tthrough and they added 1% ????? I have plenty of money level ten designer max staff I can have and im not even gogin to get to 20% by the end of year. Surely something is wrong here?

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 12 years 18 days ago
Kevin, I will send you a message

James Young medal 5000 12 years 18 days ago
That's actually normal (and why building 100% cars is generally a terrible idea).

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 18 days ago
That's the whole point behind the current system Kevin. The higher you are one season, the lower you will be the next season. You have to learn to compromise and balance your design efficiently. Otherwise everyone would just have 100% cars every season.

Kevin Brown medal 5000 12 years 18 days ago
The reason i found it odd was i didnt develop this years car at all not for a single race. I changed leagues and the car was 100% so i focused from race one on next years car.A whole season developing next years car to only get 14% seems a little strange.